Show Biz
Radio deejays open cafe with ex-singer chef
By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Editor
WHAT'S COOKIN': Lanai and Augie, the morning drive team at KDNN-FM, have ventured into the restaurant business, with Lanai and Augie's 'Ukulele Cafe, located next to Stuart Anderson's Pearlridge. They had a soft opening last weekend, but are aiming for an Oct. 5 and 6 grand opening. The menu is as daffy as the comics-deejays, with staples named after local celebs, like the Don Hodobo and the Robert Pipikaula ribs (paying homage to Don Ho and Robert Kekaula, in case you couldn't figure it out). The local-style food is being prepared by entertainer-turned-chef Iva Kinimaka of Iva's Kitchen ...
That familiar voice on KQMQ-FM Monday morning was that of Michael Qseng, here on a vacation. He joined current hosts Jeff Kino, Lois Miyashiro and Shawn Ho on the Q Morning Zoo show. Qseng was the Q guy from the 1980s to 1993 ...
RANDOM NOTES: Diamond Head Theatre's "Jekyll & Hyde" musical boasts outstanding troupers in both lead and ensemble roles. And one player in particular, Isabelle "Izzy" Decauwert, is earning hurrahs for her tour de force performance of Lucy; she brings a bountiful voice and seasoned stage presence to the DHT stage following seven years in New York. You may remember her from a string of local shows ranging from "Into the Woods" to "Sweeney Todd," but her Lucy will evolve into her island signature, for sure. Laurence Paxton as the title characters and Stefanie Smart as Emma are among other powerhouses. Show-stoppers: Paxton's "This Is the Moment," Decauwert's "Someone Like You" and Decauwert's and Smart's duet, "In His Eyes" ...
Hawai'i music at a Nevada roping competition? You betcha. A visitor from Hale'iwa transported a copy of Na Leo Pilimehana's "Anthology II" CD to the event, and country singers Dwight Yokum and George Strait heard the local trio's version of "Just My Imagination," which isn't country-inclined, but the pair loved it so much, they wanted copies. So: The local visitor dispatched CDs to both performers. Straight has Hawai'i ties he used to live here ....
SHORTS OF SORTS: Actor Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, who has appeared in such films as "Pearl Harbor," "Planet of the Apes," "Rising Sun" and "Mortal Kombat," dined at Keo's in Waikiki during an O'ahu visit. He lives on Kaua'i ...
Byron Yasui, noted bassist and 'ukulele player who represented Eddie Kamae at an 'Ukulele Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Rhode Island recently, should be home by now after being delayed because of last week's horrific terrorism. He missed his plane which turned out to be one of the hijacked aircraft because he was stuck in traffic and too late to board. Other Islanders members of the Side Order Band, who performed at the event all are safe and at home, and were housed by Tom Walsh of the 'Ukulele Hall of Fame, who didn't mind having house guests because there was "live Hawaiian music in our living room every night" ...
When Jimmy Borges performs with the Florida Symphony Sept. 28 in Tampa, Sept. 29 in St. Petersberg and Sept. 30 in Clearwater, the maestro at the baton will be Matt Catingub, pops conductor of the Honolulu Symphony, whose gig this really is. "I was the one who hired Jimmy as guest vocalist," said Catingub ...
And that's Show Biz ...
Wayne Harada's Show Biz runs Wednesdays and Fridays; reach him at 525-8067, or fax 525-8055.