Posted on: Tuesday, September 25, 2001
Generosity must be seen at home, too
Hawai'i has witnessed an outpouring of generosity and sharing in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the East Coast.
A torrent of cash contributions, goods, blood and other services are being collected at record rates.
But as staff writer Beverly Creamer noted in her story Monday, there is a serious and growing need for giving at home. Hawai'i's not-for-profit groups always struggle against budget problems. Hawaii residents are generous, but years of a slow economy have damaged our capacity not our will but our capacity, to give.
Unhappily, we are about to face a time when the service agencies and charities will be in even greater demand. At least in the short run, there will be an increased demand for services, ranging from the food bank and public health clinics to psychological counseling.
The charities stand ready to help, but their burden must be shared by us all. While your heart goes out to the direct victims of the attacks, keep in mind that your fellow residents may also be in need. Share with them as well.