Tryouts Calendar
Advertiser Staff
Maui Onstage auditions for the May 24-June 9 production of the comedy "Hot L Baltimore" 11 a.m. Saturday at Iao Theater, Wailuku. (808) 244-8680.
University of Hawai'i-MAnoa auditions for the Bachelor of Fine Arts program in Dance, 5:30 p.m. Thursday in the Temporary Dance Building. Participants will be led in ballet, modern dance and group improvisation routines and will learn about the undergraduate dance degree programs. Call for information: 956-3264.
Maori Music Productions seeks keyboard and bass player for new project. Call for audition appointment: 922-0544.
Sweet Pea Productions auditioning for singers, dancers, musicians, variety acts for ongoing work. Call for additional information: 375-9686.
The O'ahu Civic Orchestra invites musicians to join their rehearsals held at 7 p.m. each Monday at Eiben Hall, Chaminade University. For more information call 261-6127 or 735-5726.
Sounds of Aloha Chorus seeks new members as they prepare for the May 3 and 4 performance at the Hawai'i Theatre. Male singers of all levels and vocal parts sought for four-part barbershop-style a capella harmony. Rehearsals 7 p.m. each Thursday, Ala Wai Golf Course Club House. 262-7664.
Hawai'i Vocal Arts Ensemble seeking new members with a clear, warm voice desiring to perform choral music at a professional level. Call to schedule an audition: 261-6495, 263-6341.
Mrs. Hawai'i 2002 is accepting applications from married women, ages 18-50, for the May 18 state pageant. Winner competes in the Mrs. America pageant at Hilton Hawaiian Village on Sept. 20. Entry deadline is April 30. 520-8119.
The Tryouts Calendar appears each Monday in the Island Life section. Send announcements to: Tryouts Calendar, Island Life, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Phone 525-8034, e-mail or fax 525-8055.