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Posted on: Friday, April 26, 2002

Neighbor Islands

The indicates admission is $5 or less, or free. Full-price admission is listed; the * denotes discounts (or free) for students, seniors, military, members and/or children. Call the venue for details.


"Celebrating Teen Reading," fifth statewide literature festival matching students with published Hawai'i writers, 9 a.m. today, University of Hawai'i-Hilo Theatre; free. (808) 974-7310.

Spring Book Sale by Hilo Public Library Friends, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. today, Saturday, Central Library, Waianuenue Avenue; free admission. (808) 933-8888.

George Kahumoku Jr., in a slack key concert and storytelling, 7 p.m. today, Sandalwood Room, Hawai'i Naniloa Resort; $17. (808) 969-3333.

"Earth Day Celebration," a drama by Na'alehu Elementary and Intermediate School, 7 p.m. today, Na'alehu Theater; free. (808) 929-9681.

"Art of Solo Ukulele," concert by Benny Chong, Gordon Mark, Jake Shimabukuro and Byron Yasui, 7 p.m. today, Kahilu Theatre, Waimea; $24*. (808) 885-6868.

"The Miracle Worker," by Hilo Community Players, 7:30 p.m. today and Saturday, East Hawai'i Cultural Center; repeats May 3-4 and 10-11; $9*. (808) 935-9155.

"Grease," musical production by Performing Arts Aloha Teen Theatre, 7:30 p.m. and Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday, Aloha Theatre, Kainaliu, Kona; $15*. (808) 322-2323.

"Iris," R-rated movie about author Iris Murdoch, 7:30 p.m. today, Saturday, Monday; 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Palace Theatre, Hilo; $6*. (808) 934-7010.

"11th Annual Hawaiian Family AfFair," sponsored by Na Pua No'eau Center for Gifted and Talented Children, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Campus Center and Mo'okini Library Lanai, University of Hawai'i-Hilo; free. (808) 974-7678.

"8th Annual Kawaihae Canoe Club Fund-raiser," taco bar dinner, entertainment by Rock Bottom Band and a silent auction, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Blue Dolphin Restaurant, Kawaihae; $10*. (808) 885-7454.

"Helpin' Ourselves," performance by the Big Island Children's Theater and dinner, 6 p.m. Saturday, Elks' Ballroom, 150 Kino'ole Street, Hilo; $12, $8. (808) 937-4657.

"Evening at the Palace," brews and wine tasting, food by a dozen chefs and music by the Bill Noble Trio, 6-9 p.m. Saturday, Hulihe'e Palace, Kailua, Kona; $65. (808) 329-1758.

"7th Annual Hilo PetWalk," fund-raiser for the Hawai'i Island Humane Society with obedience demonstration and microchip clinic for $10; 8:30-11:30 a.m, Mo'oheau Bandstand, Hilo; free. (808) 935-0555.

Kawaiolanapukanileo Choir of O'ahu Concert with the UH-Hilo Ka Haka 'Ula O Ke'elikolani College of Hawaiian Language, 5 p.m. Sunday, Haili Church, Hilo; free. (808) 974-7705.


"An Evening With Krishna Das," chanting and music blending East and West, 7:30 p.m. today, McCoy Studio Theater; $20. (808) 242-7469.

"Godspell," by the West Maui Players Community Theatre Group, 8 p.m. today and Saturday, Holy Innocents Church; $10*. (808) 669-7632.

9th Annual He-Man Competition, contestants compete in the use of power tools, preliminaries at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, finals at 1:30 p.m., Slim's Power Tools, Wailuku Industrial Park; free. (808) 242-7878.

"2002 Maui Agricultural Trade Show & Sampling," locally grown products for sampling, food and informational booths, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, 'Ulupalakua Ranch & Tedeschi Vineyards, Highway 37; $10, $8 advance. (808) 878-1266.

'Ukulele Festival, 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, with Kalama 'Ukulele Band, Kupono Kane and Good to Go on Saturday, and King Kekaulike Poly, Keoki Kahumoku and Herb Ohta Jr., and Mele Mai on Sunday, Lahaina Cannery; free. (808) 661-5304.

"Making Music Together," Kamehameha School's Kapalama Campus Middle School Orchestra and the Na 'Opio Singers performance with guest appearance by The Maui Strings, 1 p.m. Saturday, Queen Ka'ahumanu Mall, Kahului; free. (808) 667-2905.

Bohemian Beltane Belly Dance and Dinner Show, 7-10 p.m. Saturday, Bada Bing Restaurant, Kihei; $15 for show, $20 additional for Middle East dinner. (808) 280-1950, (808) 875-0188.

"United We Dance," 15th annual James Mannes Memorial Red, White and Blue Party, fund-raiser for the Maui AIDS Foundation, 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Saturday, Grand Waikapu Country Club Ballroom; $25. (808) 242-4900.

Kapena, 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Bada Bing Restaurant, Kihei; $10. (808) 875-0188.

"Promises," a film that looks at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict through the eyes of children, 5 and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Castle Theater, Maui Arts & Cultural Center; part of the Maui Film Festival; $10*. (808) 242-7469.

"The Brothers Cazimero," concert celebrating Lei Day, part of the Ho'onanea Hawaiian series, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Castle Theater; $28*, $20* and $10*. (808) 242-7469.