Letters to the Editor
Give buses priority in high-travel streets
City officials are considering a billion-dollar Bus/Rapid Transit system. I am a daily bus rider in the downtown area. Now, one of the biggest problems facing buses is they are stuck in traffic alongside everyone else.
Since buses travel in the far right lane, some highly traveled streets should have a bus-only lane. In addition, we should restrict some right turns by automobiles that delay TheBus from approaching bus stops and travel through intersections quickly. A bus carrying 40 passengers should have priority over a few single-occupancy vehicles. This solution should not cost the city much time and money to implement.
Kwok Ming Leung
Avast, ye landlubbers; Capt. Forgea had helm
Both David Shapiro and Pamela Burns had the Forgea situation all wrong. As a member of the U.S. Navy, I saw the signs from the beginning. The good Forgea was very happy right where she was before her "rescue."
She had command of a ship at sea. From the start, I imagined her on the bridge with her paws on the helm barking out sea chanteys. The fact that she had moved into the position of CO was confirmed when the crew of the C-130 saw her running from bridge-wing to bridge-wing barking out orders, and again confirmed it when she ran from her would-be saviors, as she did not want a "change of command."
She was very happy, and why not? She successfully completed her first under-way replenishment when the C-130 brought her fresh fruits and vegetables, and was in complete charge of the ship, setting her own hours. Many in the Navy work their whole career to be right where she was.
I suspect the barking heard when the Norwegian Star left her was not that of an abandoned dog, but rather her giving a "fair winds and following seas" send-off to her shipmates.
No, Capt. Forgea was just fine where she was. I suspect she was making repairs and, given time, would have pulled in and tied up at a liberty port of her choosing.
Lt. Cmdr. R. Leith Parslow
Executive officer
Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit One
Editorial against oil drilling absurd
You really should start signing your editorials so your readers can save time and skip reading anything written in the future by the individual who wrote about "Arctic drilling" in the April 21 paper. His or her comment that "we're unwilling to wean ourselves from over-dependence on oil" is so absurd it leaves me unable to comment.
I commend Sens. Inouye and Akaka for their decision to support this sensible proposal. After all, the citizens of Alaska support the plan, and it would be in their and our interest to proceed.
I wonder if Alaska would vote to join the Union if that vote were to be held today. I think not. The defeat of this proposal will ultimately cost American lives and come back to haunt those responsible.
Jim Russo
Paper's priorities reflected in its name
Thank you so much for that gripping article on Mountain Dew Code Red that appeared in the April 23 Island Life section. It's always fascinating to discover what kinds of soft drinks and snacks are enjoyed by people who graduate with degrees in journalism.
After all, why should a newspaper restrict itself to news and investigative reporting when what's really important is shopping? Since the international news in the paper is largely syndicated and heavily abbreviated, that suggests that The Honolulu Advertiser is devoting itself fully to the noble institution of advertising.
Indeed, the Mountain Dew Code Red article may be a brilliant harbinger of a glorious future. When the paper doesn't have enough paid advertising to fill pages, the blank spaces will be filled by free advertising. Good work!
Jerry Saviano
Rolovich deserved to get NFL chance
Count me among the many fans Nick Rolovich has in Hawai'i who were delighted to see him get a shot at the NFL. In my mind, he clearly earned and deserves this chance. I wish him well.
It is not my intent to take anything away from Ashley Lelie, who had so many spectacular plays for the University of Hawai'i. But there was another guy on the other end of all those great passes.ÊNick and Ashley both deserve to move on up.
I am a Bronco fan and am delighted that Lelie will do his stuff for them. Gee, wouldn't it be nice if Rolovich wound up at Denver, too? The Broncos may need a little help at QB, and it sure would be nice to see Rolovich and Lelie combine to win some more great games.
Thanks, Ashley and Nick. We all truly appreciated what you did for Hawai'i.
James Pollock