Posted on: Monday, August 19, 2002
Women's caucus backs Hirono
Associated Press
Lt. Gov. Mazie Hirono's gubernatorial bid has received the support of the Hawaii Women's Political Caucus.
The organization supports candidates who are pro-choice, advocate for victims of domestic violence, support affirmative action and seek solutions for the homeless, said HWPC president Nan Wond.
The caucus on Saturday also came out in support of 30 other candidates running for the state House and Senate and Honolulu City Council.
Hirono will face state Rep. Ed Case, D-23rd (Manoa) and former state Sen. D.G. "Andy" Anderson in the Democratic primary.
The caucus is the state chapter of the National Women's Political Caucus, which has endorsed the re-election of Rep. Patsy Mink, D-Hawai'i.
The HWPC said its mission is to increase women's participation in the political process, increase the number of feminist women in elected and appointed positions and win political equality for women.