O'ahu briefs
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Hawai'i Kai sign to be fixed soon
The diacritical mark on the Hawai'i Kai community identification sign will be corrected by the contractor before this weekend when the sign is blessed and officially unveiled by the city, a community organizer said.
The mark is an apostrophe instead of an okina the second error to be noticed since the sign was erected.
Nearly two months ago it was determined that the sign was facing the ocean instead of incoming and outgoing traffic. That has since been corrected.
The architect also has agreed to fix the okina mistake. Both corrections come at no cost to the city.
"We've taken a lot of calls on it not being right," said Mary Houghton, a member of the Hawai'i Kai Neighborhood Board. "It will be right before the dedication on Saturday."
Nu'uanu board meets tonight
The Nu'uanu/Punchbowl Neighborhood Board will discuss a variance request for a two-family detached home at 218 Azores St. at its meeting at 7:15 tonight at Booth District Park.
The board will also try to fill one vacancy.
At its meeting last month, Joe Magaldi Jr. was elected board chairman, replacing Paula Kurashige. James Bannan was elected vice chairman and Patt Spencer secretary/treasurer.
Mililani hosts office seekers
The Mililani Mauka Neighborhood Board will hold a candidate's forum at 7 tonight during its monthly meeting at the Mililani Mauka Elementary School cafeteria, 95-1111 Makaikai St.
Candidates invited to the forum are running in the following races: City Council District 2, state House Districts 38 and 39, and state Senate Districts 17 and 22, lieutenant governor and governor.
For more information on the forum, call the city Neighborhood Commission at 527-5749.
Lingle to speak at GOP rallies
Gubernatorial candidate Linda Lingle will speak at two Republican Party rallies, from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Castle High School in Kane'ohe and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Mililani High School.
Lingle will talk story and other Republican candidates will be on hand to meet the public at the free events.
Free financial advice offered
The Hawai'i Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals will offer free advice on financial planning from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday at Windward Mall in Kane'ohe.
Members will be able to discuss retirement plans, tax laws, long-term care, education, insurance and estate planning.
For more information, call Sharon Martinez at 566-6777.