Posted on: Thursday, August 22, 2002
State park officials to discuss Hilo fire damage
By Hugh Clark
Advertiser Big Island Bureau
HILO, Hawai'i — State park officials from O'ahu will meet today with Big Island parks chief Glenn Taguchi to discuss last week's fire that severely damaged one of the three pavilions in Wailoa State Park.
Taguchi said three fires, all believed to have been deliberately set, struck the park late Aug. 14. One fire caused heavy damage to the pavilion near the entrance. Others were set in a restroom building and in the central pavilion.
The park, created after the 1960 tsunami, has become popular for family reunions, birthdays and weddings as well as a gathering place for retiree groups and neighborhood organizations.
Taguchi said he allowed a family celebrating a child's birthday to erect a tent last weekend because invitations had been mailed and it was too late to issue replacement bids.
"You have to bend a little at times like this," said Taguchi, who expects many Hilo residents to be inconvenienced by damage from the fire.
Another fire, also believed to have been arson, occurred Tuesday morning at Waiakea High School, causing $400,000 to $1 million in damage to a classroom building that has been shut down. Classes for the 1,300 students are to resume today.
A firefighter who suffered minor injuries in a fall at Waiakea High was discharged from Hilo Medical Center yesterday.
Investigators continued to search for clues yesterday, said Principal Ron Furukawa.