Community Calendar
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State foundation on culture and the arts workshops for those considering applying for grants, 9 a.m., King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel, Marina Room, Kailua, Kona, Hawai'i and 9 a.m. Friday, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Beretania Street and Ward Avenue, education classroom. 586-0307.
Mandatory informational meeting for those interested in qualifying for research scholarships at Japanese universities in 2003, 12:30 p.m., University of Hawai'i-Manoa, Moore 351; college graduates younger than 35 willing to study the Japanese language; call Kakuko Shoji. 956-8798.
ROTARY CLUB OF KANE'OHE MEETING noon to 1:30 p.m., Pohai Nani Good Samaritan Retirement Community, 45-090 Namoku St.; guest speaker Dr. Carl-Wilhelm Vogel, on the latest cancer research developments; $10 fee includes lunch; call Dr. Nishizawa to register. 262-2330.
SENIOR PRESENTATIONS featuring John Hunter, program coordinator, American Lung Association on the hazards of smoking and second hand smoke, 10 to 11 a.m., Central Union Church Senior Center, women's building, Punahou and South Beretania Streets, Makiki; free, public invited, free parking; come early for stretching exercises, bring lunch, stay for board games until 2 p.m. 941-0957.
Hormone replacement therapy information sessions 6 to 7 p.m. today and 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Kapi'olani Women's Center, 1907 S. Beretania St. 535-3500.