Posted on: Saturday, August 31, 2002
Scripture can offer comfort from grief
By Russell Stephen Pang
On Aug. 2, we buried my dad after his 13-month battle with leukemia.
The Bible says God comforts us so we, in turn, can comfort others.
Somehow it is easier to think how we can be a comfort to others. We can support and comfort them through phone calls, cards with heartfelt sympathy, monetary gifts. We can bring them food, do housework or yardwork, or wash a car for them.
We can try to do whatever is needed to make life easier for them.
We can touch them, hug them, look them in the eye and say, "I care about you. I will be here for you."
So how does God comfort us since our minds are usually consumed with the cares of this world with so many thoughts racing through like a hectic freeway?
I believe God comforts us mainly through Scripture. When our minds are renewed by Scripture, our thoughts about God are focused on His Sovereignty, His Omnipotence, His Omniscience, His Omnipresence, His Love and Goodness, His Mercy and His Amazing Grace.
We find comfort in Psalms, like Psalm 23, where we are assured that God will be with us and for us.
We find comfort in trusting in the Lord and not leaning unto our own understanding.
We find comfort when we seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness.
We find comfort when we give our burdens to Jesus in exchange for His Peace and rest for our souls.
We find comfort that God the Creator has our best interest in mind despite circumstances that might indicate otherwise.
We find comfort that we belong to him because of Jesus' Calvary Sacrifice.
We find comfort that our future is a known and settled issue and that we will spend eternity with him.
We find comfort that God, the Holy Spirit, dwells within us and he is the Comforter.
We find comfort that His Ways are higher than our ways and His Thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
We find comfort that God pursues us relentlessly to be members of His Family.
We find comfort that he is a forgiving and caring God.
Ultimately, we find comfort in His Incredible John 3:16 Agape Love.
Russell Stephen Pang, a former deacon, is a member of First Presbyterian Church.
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