Ohana briefs
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Families source of stress relief
Family relationships can be stressful, but many people look to these same relationships when seeking solace and comfort, according to a recent survey.
The study, sponsored by General Nutrition Centers, showed that 22 percent of respondents said the cause of stress in their life was marital or personal relationships. Meanwhile, 34 percent said they spend more time with family and friends in an effort to reduce stress. Other stress relievers include religion (30 percent), exercising regularly (23 percent), vacations (16 percent), not working too hard (15 percent), taking vitamins, herbs or natural supplements (14 percent), reading self-help books (13 percent) and counseling (8 percent).
Tips for finding wandering keiki
If you lose track of your child while shopping, follow these rules from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, quoted in Parents magazine:
Speak up. Don't search on your own. Alert security people immediately.
Stay in the area. Emphasize to your child that he or she should never leave a store alone or with a stranger.
Help your child memorize his or her address, phone number and full name.
Carry a photo. Keep your child's picture in your wallet, note the child's height and weight on the back, and update often.