Community Calendar
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CRYSTAL SHOW AND OPEN HOUSE noon-5 p.m., Lifeforce Center, 568 Halekauwila St., top floor, Kaka'ako; food, aromatherapy, psychic readings, natural healings, crystals, jewelry and handmade meditation benches; free. 536-8287.
SCIENTIFIC, REGULATORY AND CULTURAL FACTORS INFLUENCING WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN TROPICAL PACIFIC ISLANDS, conference Jan. 15-16; sponsored by University of Hawai'i at Manoa Water Resources Research Center by Pacific Water Association and United States Geological Survey; early registration by today, two days $125, one day $75; after today, $150 or $90; lunch included. 956-7847, fax: 956-5044.
IMPROVISATION WORKSHOP by Dr. Loren Ekroth 10:30 a.m.-noon, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Campus Center 308; free. 956-8224.
CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION featuring master storyteller Jeff Gere, drama specialist with City Department of Parks and Recreation, 10-11 a.m., Central Union Church, Women's Building, South Beretania and Punahou Streets; free; public welcome; free parking; stretching exercises; bring lunch; followed by card and board games until 2 p.m. 941-0957.
FRIENDS OF SABEEL OF HAWAI'I meeting featuring Ralph A. Cossa, president of Pacific Forum CSIS and political and military affairs specialist speaking on "A Geopolitical Review of Israel-Palestine," 7 p.m., First Christian Church, 1516 Kewalo St., Makiki; free; FSH is an organization working for a just peace in Palestine-Israel. 521-3500.
"SMART WAYS TO FUND YOUR CHILD'S COLLEGE EDUCATION," financial strategies presentation by Chad Adams, financial adviser for American Express, 6:30 p.m., Kahuku Public & School Library, 56-490 Kamehameha Highway, on the school campus; free. 293-8935.
NA TUTU SUPPORT GROUP for grandparents raising their grandchildren, 9 a.m., Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center, Ko'olau Poko Unit, 46-316 Ha'iku Road, Kane'ohe. 235-7747.
THE HAWAI'I UNDERSEA LABORATORY: FATHOM THE DISCOVERIES, talk by Dr. John Wiltshire about the variety of research done aboard the Pisces V submersible, including the recent discovery of the World War II Japanese midget submarine, 6:30 p.m., at the new Hanauma Bay Education Center; free. 397-5840.
DIVORCE LAW IN HAWAI'I, free informational program by Family Court of the First Circuit, noon-1 p.m., Supreme Court conference room, second floor, Ali'iolani Hale, 417 S. King St., behind the King Kamehameha statue; featured speaker, veteran divorce attorney William C. Darrah. 539-4448.
HONOLULU NEWCOMERS CLUB LUNCHEON; call for details and reservations. 944-3310.