Program can save money, newborns
While it is still in the prototype stage, a new state Health Department program called Hawai'i Newborn Screening Program offers great promise as yet another tool in our effort to become a truly first-class "health state."
Assuming that early indications of success continue to prove out, the state should consider expanding the program and making it a permanent part of our health arsenal.
At a time when the budget is tight, this program may have a tough time getting past the prototype stage. Lawmakers and budget-writers should not look at this program strictly as a cost item, however. Instead, they should look at it as an investment in the health of our children and a way to avoid even greater costs down the road.
The pilot program uses advanced technology to screen newborns for certain metabolic disorders not covered under the existing mandatory newborn screening program.
Combined with other efforts, such as the Healthy Start program aimed at identifying young families who might be at risk, these programs are a cost-effective way of ensuring that every child has the best possible chance of getting off to a healthy, productive life.