Posted on: Monday, December 23, 2002
Holiday Giving Calendar
Advertiser Staff
Holiday Gift-Wrapping Service, a fund-raiser for Saint Louis School's Project Graduation 2003, through tomorrow, in front of Banana Republic at Kahala Mall.
Christmas Dinner Donations needed for participants of Windward Senior Day Care, a nonprofit organization. Nine donors needed to give $37.99 each to buy prepared holiday meal packages from a supermarket. Send checks to Windward Senior Day Care, P.O. Box 1716, Kailua, HI, 96734, with "Holiday Meal" noted. Donations are tax-deductible. Information: 261-4947.
Hospice Hawaii's Holiday Memorial Trees are on display at some satellite city halls this month, featuring dove ornaments in remembrance of deceased loved ones. Public invited to personalize a dove ornament for their deceased loved one. Participating satellite city halls: Ala Moana Center, Fort Street, Kailua, Kalihi, Kapolei, Pearlridge, Wahiawa, Wai'anae and Windward Mall. Memorial trees also at the municipal building.
Pearlridge Express Holiday Train, a ride for children benefiting the Hawaiian Railway Society, running through Jan. 1 at Pearlridge Center, Uptown. Volunteer historians from the society are docents, educating people about the custom-built train and the historic Oahu Railway & Land Co. $3 per child 4 feet or shorter.
9th Annual Check Out Hunger Campaign, benefiting the Hawai'i Foodbank, through January at Safeway and Times supermarkets, Tamura's Wai'anae and Tamura's Wahiawa. Bright green tear-off tags are available at checkout stands; $1 or $5 will be added to the donor's grocery bill. Every $1 donation allows the food bank to distribute $20 worth of food to the hungry.
Throughout the holiday season, The Advertiser will list holiday-themed events that benefit the community. Send to: Holiday Giving Calendar, Island Life, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802.