Posted on: Friday, December 27, 2002
Island Voices
Hope lies on Hawai'i shores
By Roy Takumi
Rep. Roy Takumi (D-Pearl City) serves as the chairman of the House Education Committee.
Hawai'i is poised to take advantage of our unique position as the only island state in the country, a state that is surrounded by ocean. While we continue to chase after shrinking tourist dollars, our best hope for new industries and jobs lies right at our shores. Hawai'i can and must lead the Blue Revolution.
The journey to flourishing next generation fisheries and ocean thermal energy conversion initiatives must start with tapping this resource through marine biotechnology. The products can be high in value and useful to society. For example, at the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawai'i Authority (NELHA) on the Big Island are companies already producing marine biopharmaceuticals, seafood and cold water agricultural commodities.
NELHA, with the Oceanic Institute and the University of Hawai'i, are building the foundation for ventures into the open ocean, where opportunities are boundless.
After chairing the Ocean Recreation and Marine Resources Committee, and then the Higher Education Committee, I am convinced that UH is a particularly important player by supplying the ideas, technology systems and global connections to spur this partnership.
We need to build on this by involving the Legislature, executive branch, business and union sectors, Hawaiian groups, environmentalists and the greater community. We need to work with the federal government and worldwide investors in this effort.
Whatever we do, it must be done in keeping in harmony with the ocean environment and Hawaiian values.
We already have many of the elements in place. Just a few examples:
Cages are now in place to cultivate moi, with others planned for 'ahi and other seafood varieties.
A pearl cultivation operation is about to begin just off the Reef Runway.
The International Ocean Alliance has recommended a floating platform to produce conventional and sustainable energy and marine bioproducts.
We are at a critical stage. We can lead the Blue Revolution that can spark the economic change for a better Hawai'i. Let's get started.