Posted on: Saturday, December 28, 2002
Faith Calendar
Faith Calendar appears online in Island Life each Saturday. Send your listing to Island Life/Faith, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802 or e-mail Include date, time, place, who's involved and cost, if any, of events, along with a daytime contact number.
TODAY Ringing in the new year celebration with song and worship, 6 p.m., Grace Bible Church Honolulu, 1052 'Ilima Drive, 'Alewa Heights; all welcome. 595-6381. MONDAY
New Year Mass Meditation, 4 p.m. gathering at Honolulu Church of Light, 1539 Kapi'olani Blvd.; participate in a 3-hour Internet broadcast that will include a 20-minute global meditation by people in 400 cities worldwide. 952-0880,
Honolulu Diamond Sangha, Zen Buddhist New Year's Eve sitting, 7 p.m.-midnight, 2747 Waioma'o Road, Palolo; there will be sitting and walking meditation; treats after midnight; free. 528-4067. Annual New Year Observance, 11 p.m., Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, 1727 Pali Highway, Nu'unau; message by the Rev. Shigenori Makino, chief minister, and the Rev. Ryoso Toshima, assistant chief minister; temple bell-ringing midnight. 536-7044. "Shine Jesus Shine," an evening of fellowship for single adults; dinner, worship, dancing and door prizes, 6 p.m.-1 a.m., Ilikai hotel, Pacific Ballroom, 1777 Ala Moana, Waikiki; semi-formal/dressy aloha attire; $45; call Lina Rivera. 674-9474. WEDNESDAY
Traditional New Year blessing, begins midnight New Year's Eve, Izumo Taishakyo Mission of Hawaii, 215 N. Kukui St., downtown; new ofuda and omamori (amulets) for blessing and protection of the business, home and people. 528-4067. New Year's Day observance, 10 a.m., with Bishop Chikai Yosemori and the Rev. Shigenori Makino, Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, 1727 Pali Highway, Nu'unau. 536-7044.
Christmas Oratorio IV by J.S. Bach to be performed by the Lutheran Church of Honolulu choir, 4 p.m., The Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou St., Makiki; freewill offering. 941-2566. UPCOMING
Organ Recital and Choral Evensong, a program by the St. Andrew's Cathedral Choir, including the music of Bach and Brahms, 7:30 p.m. Jan. 5, St. Andrew's Cathedral, Beretania and Queen Emma streets. 524-2822, ext. 223. Christmas Oratorio IV by J.S. Bach and the Magnificat by Charles Pachelbel, to be performed by the church choir, 7:30 p.m. Jan. 5 at The Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou St.; German Vespers service also; freewill offering. 941-2566.