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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted at 10:44 a.m., Monday, December 30, 2002

Dockworkers resume talks

Advertiser Staff

Talks between Hawai'i dockworkers and their employers are scheduled to resume this afternoon after both sides met through the weekend.

Negotiations for a new contract started Thursday between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 142 and The Hawaii Employers Council, which represents four stevedoring companies: Hawaii Stevedores Inc., Matson Navigation Co., HT&T Co.; and McCabe, Hamilton & Renny Co.

Union negotiators are seeking improved wages and benefits for about 500 dockworkers statewide after West Coast dockworkers reached a tentative agreement on a six-year contract last month, which raised the average dockworkers' annual salary from about $80,000 to around $100,000 while improving retirement benefits.

The companies and Hawai'i dockworkers have been working under a contract extended day by day since it expired at the end of June.