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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, December 30, 2002

Safe drivers on Maui rewarded with gifts

By Walter Wright
Advertiser Staff Writer

It almost makes you want to go to Maui and drive around.

Police there are handing out gift certificates to motorists who are buckled up and sober when they arrive at DUI checkpoints.

Ballard Family Mortuary has paid for the gifts for three years.

"We take care of a lot of people that are killed in auto accidents," said company president Mark Ballard. "We wanted to reward safe driving during the holidays."

Borthwick/Normans Mortuary became co-sponsors this year.

Some motorists received the Ooka Super Market shopping gift certificates in Lahaina Thursday, Traffic Lt. Charles Hirata said.

"We like to thank folks for being patient at our checkpoints," he said.

Police used to hand out frozen turkeys, which were "very popular with motorists," Hirata said, but harder to handle.

The checkpoints will continue into January.