Sharlene Cabero Cabana, daughter of Felipe S. and Roseanne C. Cabana of 'Aiea, and Edwin Roy Crisostomo, son of Juanino E. and Teresita G. Tadeo of Honolulu and the late Paulo D. Crisostomo, were married July 21 at St. Elizabeth Church. The reception followed at Pacific Beach Hotel. The bride (1993 'Aiea High, University of Hawai'i bachelor's, University of Nevada-Las Vegas bachelor's) is now Sharlene Cabero Cabana Crisostomo. The groom (1989 Damien Memorial High) is a bartender. They live in Las Vegas.
Lesley Janet Rebibis, daughter of Marcos and Perlita Rebibis of Honolulu, and Victor James Bakke, son of James Bakke Sr. of Seattle and the late Joan Bakke, were married Oct. 13 on a beach in La'ie. The reception followed at the Polynesian Cultural Center. The bride, now Lesley Janet Bakke, is a registered nurse. The groom is an attorney. They live in Kane'ohe.