Lumber firms to limit use of arsenic coating
By Jonathan D. Salant
Associated Press
WASHINGTON Lumber companies agreed yesterday to stop using arsenic-based preservatives in the wood used to build decks, playground equipment and picnic tables.
The agreement, which followed discussions with the Environmental Protection Agency, would end the use of chromated copper arsenate by December 2003 in almost all of the lumber used for residential projects. CCA is a powerful pesticide used to protect lumber from decay and insect damage.
Between now and then, the industry will reduce the amount of CCA-treated lumber produced, replacing it with wood treated with preservatives that do not contain arsenic.
The decision is not expected to have a significant impact on Hawai'i builders, according to industry experts.
"Most Hawai'i builders have been using (other specially treated) lumber for the past several years," said Karen Nakamura, executive vice president for the Building Industry Association.
Arsenic causes cancer in people. Last year, President Bush reversed his position and accepted a Clinton administration rule reducing the amount of arsenic in drinking water.
Industry officials said their action was voluntary and that CCA-treated wood is safe.
"It's a voluntary decision based on customer interest in a new generation of preservatives," said Parker Brugge, executive director of the Treated Wood Council.
Environmental groups called on companies to stop selling the lumber before the end of 2003.
"This product should never have been put on the market in the first place," said Richard Wiles, an Environmental Working Group senior vice president.
Environmentalists say arsenic remains on wooden surfaces for years and can rub off on the hands of people who touch it.
"Those who have CCA wood in their yards now should do what they need to make them feel they've created a safe environment for their families," said Paul Bogart, campaign coordinator for the Healthy Building Network, an environmental advocacy group. "Some may choose to remove the wood altogether. Others may choose to seal the wood."
Stephen Johnson, an EPA assistant administrator, said some studies show that applying some oil-based coatings annually can reduce exposure to the pesticide. He said there is no reason for homeowners to remove or replace the wood.
Brugge said CCA-treated wood is not a health hazard.