Create a song for healthy eating
By Zenaida Serrano Espanol
Advertiser Staff Writer
The Hawaii Medical Service Association's 5 A Day Friends — the larger-than-life banana, broccoli, mushroom, papaya and pineapple mascots of the 5 A Day Nutrition Campaign — are seeking the help of Hawai'i's children to create their official theme song to encourage keiki to eat at least five servings of fruits and veggies each day.
The song contest is open to third-grade classes. Each school may submit one song with original lyrics, recorded on an audiocassette tape or CD. Ten finalists will perform their songs for judging on March 23 at Ala Moana Center's Centerstage.
The prizes are $2,500, $1,000 and $500 for the first- through third-place winning schools. All entrants will receive a treat just for participating. So get going! The deadline for submissions is Friday. For details, visit or call 948-6848.