Australia perspective
Judy Watson, an Australian artist whose luminous abstract paintings deal with issues related to Aboriginal Australians and national identity, gives a talk at 7:30 p.m. today at the UH-Manoa art auditorium as part of the university's Intersections Visiting Artist program. Watson, one of three artists chosen to represent Australia in the prestigious 1997 Venice Biennale, has exhibited her works internationally. Her lecture is free.
Virginia Wageman, Advertiser art critic
Give it a rest, Martha
For those weary of the ubiquitous Martha, Waikiki resident Chris Dacus has just the thing. On his Web site,, Dacus offers those "tired of being told what's right and wrong, what's pretty and not" a chance to wear their contempt on their chest or head. Dacus, head of CommerceInsight, offers an assortment of items including caps, T-shirts, cooking aprons and chef's hats emblazoned with his trademark call of defiance: "It's not a good thing!"
For the record, Dacus' wife, Cheryl, is a Stewart devotee.
Michael Tsai, Advertiser staff writer