Posted on: Thursday, February 21, 2002
Truth always serves the just cause best
It's a shadowy office in the Pentagon whose job it will be to plant false stories in the foreign press.
The stated purpose of the new Office of Strategic Influence is to bolster the reputation of the United States, which evidently is not currently at the levels the Bush administration would want. A close look at this administration's record from the perspective of the foreign capitals it seeks to keep within the international coalition against terrorism might suggest that an attitude adjustment might serve at least as well as spin doctoring.
The administration at times appears torn between devil-may-care unilateral pronouncements and a desire to build an effective international coalition in its war against terrorism.
Sure, in war there is need for propaganda and even disinformation. But early reports suggest that the administration may be considering an overbroad attempt to mislead and misinform not just on enemy ground, but in media outlets from Asia to Europe and beyond.
This could well end up being counterproductive to any hopes of building a lasting coalition against terrorism abroad.