Get out of the blocks
By Roger Fredericks
Whether it be tour players or weekend duffers, I have come to believe that the success of a golf shot lies in either the set-up, or in the first one-third of the backswing. If the club doesn't start away properly, the golfer will be forced to compensate for the fault at a later point in the swing, and usually the golfer will end up creating compensations.
The most common faults in the take away are: A Lack of a balanced weight transfer to the right side; B Too quick in the takeaway, and; C Taking the club too far inside.
I employ a great drill that I use with many students to guarantee you take the club back properly and establish a good rhythm throughout your swing:
1. Place a 2-by-4 block of wood, or similar object, directly behind the clubhead as you address the ball (you can use a book or video tape on the carpet at home).
2. Swing back normally, sweeping the block of wood back, continuing on with your swing while hitting the ball and swinging into a full finish.
This drill works because it does three main things: You'll automatically get the club started straight away from the ball, shift your weight immediately into your right foot, and start your swing with a good tempo and rhythm.