Running with the pack
By Catherine E. Toth
Advertiser Staff Writer
Lose weight.
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For those wishing to participate in the Great Aloha Run, or other events, joining a running club can help with the training and preparation.
Advertiser library photo • Feb. 17, 1997 |
Run marathon.
Does this sound like your New Year's resolution, the one stuffed in your purse or buried under bills?
Well, pull it out. Reaching those goals is not an impossible feat.
Hundreds of people in Hawai'i hit the pavement to get in — and stay in — shape. The year-round sunshine and array of visually stimulating trails make the Islands a running haven.
"When we moved here (from Vermont) my husband and I were looking at how beautiful it is here," said avid runner Bobbi Stapenhorst, 57, from Mo'ili'ili. "There's got to be more than just going to the beach."
The easiest and cheapest way to stay in shape?
"We bought running shorts and shoes," she said, with a laugh.
For the past 11 years, she and her husband have been running an average of 25 miles a week. They've participated in several races, marathons and triathlons, including the Tinman and a half-Ironman.
"I feel more energized," said Stapenhorst, a member of Faerber's Flyers, an all-women's running club that meets weekly.
Being part of a running group has kept her motivated. Joining one may help the novice runner (with a resolution) to stick to a running schedule.
• | Races to remember
• Downtown 2-Mile: 7 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 6, in downtown Honolulu. $5 ($2 Mid-Pacific Road Runners Club members). 295-MPRR. • Bob & Ron's 5K: 7 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 13, at Kapi'olani Park. $5 ($2 MPRR members). 295-MPRR. • Harold Chapson Memorial 8K: 7 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 3, at Kapi'olani Park. $5 ($2 MPRR members). 295-MPRR. • Great Aloha Run 2002: 7 a.m. Monday, Feb. 18. 8.15-mile course from Aloha Tower Marketplace to Aloha Stadium. $22 ($27 after Jan. 19). 528-7388 or For more race information, visit |
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Whether you want to get in shape, train for February's Great Aloha Run, or prepare for your first marathon, joining a running club or finding a personal trainer may help keep you on track.
"A lot of people need the group support to keep them motivated," said Brian Clarke, director of triathlon and marathon clinics for more than 20 years. "The (group) training does that."
For those determined to carry out their New Year's resolutions, no matter how daunting the task may seem, here are some ways to ensure you won't be writing the same resolution next year:
• Brian Clarke School: A longtime coach and experienced runner, Clarke instructs a 14-week program starting in January. The group meets at 5:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays near UH or at Kapi'olani Park, and between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. on Sundays for longer runs.
"The benefits are obvious," he said. "You're going to feel better and have more energy. And you'll probably be a lot healthier as a result."
Cost: $175 for 14 weeks. 737-4340 or
• Faerber's Flyers: In its 26th year, this all-women's, all-ability running club meets at 5:15 p.m. Wednesdays at the UH track. Runners work on leg turnover, speed, body position, stride and overall style, focusing on upcoming races.
Cost: $50 per year (discounted in January). Covers entry to one race. 942-3410.
• Mid-Pacific Road Runners: More race organizers than running club, the Mid-Pacific Road Runners boast more than 400 members. The organization puts on about 20-25 races a year, designed to help runners improve throughout the year.
January begins its Spring Series, a series of shorter runs between 2 and 5 miles. (The Downtown 2-Mile takes place at 7 a.m. on Sunday. The Bob & Ron's 5K starts at 7 a.m. at Kapi'olani Park.)
Cost: $20 per year. Includes newsletter. 295-MPRR.
• NikeTown Running Club: At 6 p.m. every Wednesday, runners meet at NikeTown in Waikiki for free training sessions that include a 3-, 5- or 7-mile run along different routes. The club is open to all ages and skill levels.
Cost: Free. 943-6453.
• Personal Best Training: Coach and runner Jonathan Lyau conducts personalized training sessions and creates individualized running schedules based on your goals. The group meets at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays in town (location changes).
Cost: $25 per month. 537-2074.
• Team Jet: In its second year, this running club offers different programs throughout the year. From January to March, the club works on shorter distances, between 2 and 5 miles. From April to July, the runs are longer, focused on building a base for marathon training, which is offered from August to December.
The group meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Kapi'olani Bandstand, and 7 a.m. Sundays at the park for longer runs.
"We try to make it a family atmosphere," said program director Chet "the Jet" Blanton. "The first guy done has to wait for the last one to finish. I tell them we're a team. When the last person crosses the line, we're done."
He finds the supportive atmosphere helps the runners improve.
Cost: $90 for three-month session ($30 per month). 941-6485 or