Kristy Jean Ikeda, daughter of Albert and Luzmar Ikeda of Kailua, and Michael Kawika Lum, son of Leonette Pullar of Honolulu, were married Aug. 12 at Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church. The reception followed at Hale Koa Hotel. The bride (1991 Kailua High, 1995 Kapi'olani Community College associate's), now Kristy Jean Ikeda Lum, is a guest service representative at a hotel. The groom (1992 North Campus-Vanden High in California) is a tour coordinator. They live in Honolulu.
Mary Ann Lacbayan, daughter of Carol Lacbayan of 'Ewa and the late Pablo Lacbayan, and Joseph Tam Alejado, son of Lawrance Alejado Sr. and Maria Alejado of Waipahu, were married Nov. 24 at Resurrection of the Lord Catholic Church. The reception followed at Eastern Garden Chinese Seafood Restaurant. The bride (1989 Campbell High), now Mary Ann Lacbayan Alejado, formerly of 'Ewa, is a nurse. The groom (1986 Pearl City High) is a service consultant. They live in Waipahu.
Tara Brook Treadaway, daughter of Ricky and Bunny Treadaway of North Carolina, and Brian Ray Easley, son of Sandy Easley and Ray Easley of Arkansas, were married Nov. 18 at the Cadet Chapel at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. The reception followed at Herbert Hall at West Point. The bride, now Tara Easley, is a 1996 graduate of Statesville High School in North Carolina. The groom is a first lieutenant in the Army. They live in Waipahu.