Posted on: Wednesday, July 3, 2002
A frequent shopper's wish list
By Wanda A. Adams
Advertiser Food Editor
As a food editor, I sometimes visit two or three different supermarkets a week, and seem to find myself grocery shopping somewhere almost every day. I also visit Chinatown once a week or so. I occasionally pop in on the farmer's markets and local ethnic markets. And about every six, I make a Costco run.
So I've had more time than most, while standing in checkout lines, to ruminate on a grocery-shopping wish list and I'd like to share it with you, if only to get it off my chest, and perhaps provoke you to suggest changes you care about in your own supermarket.
The No. 1 thing on my wish list is a way to interact more effectively with the people who make decisions about how supermarkets are stocked. Given the amount of time many of us spend shopping, you'd think there would be some easy and effective way to tell the supermarkets what's working and what isn't, or to find out what changes they've made, or are contemplating making.
What if there were interactive kiosks in grocery stores, so you could enter the name of an item and be told where it's stocked? What if stores had suggestion boxes and perhaps posted responses to suggestions, so you'd know the ideas had at least been considered? What if there was a greeter whose job it was to guide you and elicit your concerns and complaints? What if stores handed out periodic newsletters with your receipt? What if there was a bulletin board directing you to new products, describing stocking changes, explaining why items were discontinued? What if stores invited some shoppers in a few times a year to get feedback? What if a grocery store had a "meet the buyers" night, with a chance to talk to the people who understand what gets on the shelves and why?
I'd like to know why, for example, the store where I do most of my personal grocery shopping changed the traffic pattern in the parking lot some months back; it's STILL making me crazy and I STILL don't get the logic.
As to wish-list item No. 2: It's about you. You, my fellow shoppers. May I humbly ask three things? And I know I'm not alone in this.
First, when you're pondering an item, or searching a shelf, could you park your cart on the same side of the aisle as the item you're looking for? That way you're not blocking the entire aisle by standing alongside your cart.
And could you please, please pull out your discount card, coupons, EBT card, rain check, checkbook, credit card or cash and be ready to pay as soon as the total pops up on the cash register?
And if you must review every item on your receipt, could you do it somewhere other than in the middle of the exit aisle?
If you've been burning with pent-up thoughts on supermarket shopping, I'd love to hear from you. Perhaps we can create some kind of dialogue with the stores. Or at least give a sigh of relief that we're not alone. More next week.