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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted at 6:42 p.m., Saturday, July 13, 2002

H-1 accident kills man

Advertiser Staff

A 75-year-old Chinese man from Beijing was killed this morning when the car he was riding in slammed into the safety barricade of the closed zipper lane on the H-1 freeway.

The accident occurred just south of the Manager's Drive overpass in Waikele at 6:45 a.m.

There were three other people in the 1984 golden Toyota Camry sedan, which was heading east. The driver, a 78-year-old Makakilo man, told authorities that he crossed from the left lane into the closed zipper lane after he was momentarily blinded by sunlight.

All four occupants were taken to Queen's Medical Center.

The victim, who was in the rear seat, was pronounced dead at 8:37 a.m. His wife, 71 — also from Beijing — had been seated next to her husband. She was listed in guarded condition.

The driver and his wife, 61, who were in the front seat, were wearing seat belts. They were listed in guarded condition.

Neither the victim nor his wife were wearing seat belts.

Police said neither speed nor alcohol did not appear to be factors. Police said traffic cones and warning gates were in place at the entrance of the zipper lane.

The death was the 37th traffic fatality of the year.