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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, July 17, 2002


Advertiser Staff

ANGELS ON WHEELS, a project of the American Cancer Society, needs drivers to take patients to and from medical appointments. Windward O'ahu: 262-5124. Leeward O'ahu: 486-8420. Honolulu: 432-9158.

BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS seeks volunteers ages 17 and up; couples, seniors welcome. 521-3811.

BINKY PATROL seeks volunteers to provide handmade yarn or fabric blankets for special-needs children. 454-1074.

CENTRO HISPANO DE HAWAII/HAWAII DIABETES CONTROL PROGRAM needs bilingual information providers. 941-5216, 692-7462.

COAST GUARD AUXILIARY seeks volunteers to provide public education on boating safety. 541-2087.

CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICE seeks foster and adoptive parents for troubled children. 543-8402.

COUNCIL FOR EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL seeks host families for foreign students. 533-4769.

FAMILY LITERACY PROGRAM OF HAWAI'I seeks volunteers to provide literacy services to Kalihi/Palama public housing residents. Training provided. 842-0303.

FRIENDS OF HANAUMA BAY seeks volunteers to give information to bay visitors on safe water activities. Shifts are four hours, once a week. 395-4242.

FRIENDS OF HE'EIA STATE PARK seeks volunteers to help beautify the state park grounds on third and fourth Saturdays of each month. 247-3156.

FRIENDS OF THE PEARL HARBOR TUG HOGA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the tugboat Hoga, seeks volunteers to update its Web site. 373-2970.

HAWAII FOODBANK seeks volunteers for its 13th annual Food Drive on April 27. 836-3600, ext. 239.

HAWAII HISPANIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE seeks volunteers for special events throughout the year. E-mail or call 371-3084.

HAWAIIAN HUMANE SOCIETY seeks volunteers to provide foster care for kittens. Visit the society's Web site or call 946-2187, ext. 216.

HOSPICE HAWAII seeks volunteers to work with patients and families dealing with a terminal illness. Training provided: 6-10 p.m. June 19 and 8 a.m.-5 p.m. June 22 and 29. 924-9255, ext. 8043 or 8008.

INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN SERVICES, O'ahu's only emergency homeless shelter, seeks volunteers. 537-2724, ext. 107.

KANE'OHE CELEBRATION 2002 seeks volunteers to set up material and clean up, to staff booths, to assist with traffic, to act as stagehands, and to assist with craft fair, hospitality room and activities. 235-7613.

LANAKILA MEALS ON WHEELS seeks drivers to deliver meals to the elderly. 531-0555.

LEEWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE THEATRE seeks volunteers for ushering, concession sales, artist receptions and more. 455-0386.

LIFE FOUNDATION seeks volunteers to help people with HIV/AIDS: to serve as transportation aides, food pantry shoppers and homemakers. Training will be held on May 11. Licensed hairstylists, acupuncturists, chiropractors and massage therapists also sought to volunteer services. 521-2437, ext. 240.