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Posted on: Sunday, July 21, 2002

Washington Week

Gannett News Service


The House of Representatives

The U.S. Senate

WASHINGTON — Here are some actions in Congress last week.

Key House votes:

1. Corporate Responsibility

The House voted 391-28 Tuesday to pass a bill to enhance penalties for accounting fraud and improper auditing at publicly traded companies, as well as to require officers of companies to certify in writing that their financial statements are accurate.

Hawaii votes: Neil Abercrombie (D) NAY; Patsy Mink (D) YEA

2. Interior Department

The House voted 377-46 Wednesday to pass a $19.7 billion appropriations bill for the Interior Department. The bill includes $700 million in emergency money to fight wildfires. It also would ban oil drilling off the California coast and increase arts funding. (vote 318)

Hawaii votes: Neil Abercrombie (D) YEA; Patsy Mink (D) YEA

Key Senate votes:

1. Drugs from Canada

The Senate voted 69-30 Wednesday for an amendment that would allow licensed pharmacists and suppliers to purchase medicine in Canada and resell it to American consumers.

Hawaii votes: Daniel Akaka (D) YEA; Dan Inouye (D) YEA