Your complete guide to all the courses in Hawai'i
Advertiser Golf Guide
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Ever wonder what it would cost to play on one of Hawai'i's world-class golf courses? Here is a look at all of the golf courses in the state, with contact numbers, yardage and green fees for non-residents as well as Hawai'i residents.
The par and yardage are in parentheses.
Weekend rates usually apply to holidays Replay rates are good for same day only, based on space availability Some green fees do not include tax Twilight times subject to change At the Army courses (Kalakaua, Leilehua and Walter Nagorski), non-military kama'aina can reserve a tee time only on day of play, or walk-on To get a Golf ID Card for O'ahu municipal courses, go to Ala Wai on Tuesday (between 10 a.m.-2 p.m.) or Saturday (8 a.m.-noon), or to Pali on Wednesday or Saturday (8 a.m.-noon). Bring a valid Hawai'i Driver's License or qualifying documents (call 733-7386 for information). Players without a Golf ID Card are $4 more, with Hawai'i Driver's License or qualifying documents. Seniors (65-older) and disabled persons can buy discount cards for $32 a month from the starter. Junior (17-under) discount cards are $12 a month. Discount cards allow up to 10 rounds a month (weekdays only).
Posted phone numbers are for tee times
Ala Wai Golf Course (70, 5,817) 404 Kapahulu Ave., Honolulu, 96815. 296-2000. Head Pro: Ron Castillo Sr. (Driving Range 735-5889). Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Twilight (after 4 p.m.) and 9 holes (3 p.m.) half price, including cart.
Barbers Point Golf Course (72, 6,394) NAS, Barbers Point, 96862. 682-1911. Head Pro: Robin Hashimoto. Military/Dept. of Defense personnel allowed. Green fees: Civilians (accompanied by military) $29. MilitaryE1-E5 $10; E6-O3 $14; O4-above $16. DODNavy $20; All others: $23. Juniors (17-under): Military $8, Civilians $12. Twilight (after 3:30 p.m.) half price. Cart $9 per person.
Bayview Golf Park (60, 2,231) 45-285 Kane'ohe Bay Dr., Kane'ohe, 96744. 247-0451. Director of Golf: Tommy Ukauka. Public. Green fees: Kama'aina $27 weekdays, $32 weekends; $13 and $14 after 4 p.m. (9 holes), with cart. Walking: $12 weekdays, $16 weekends before 4 p.m., $8 and $9 after 4 p.m. Non-resident $42 weekdays, $50 weekends with cart; $25 and $28 after 4 p.m. (9 holes). Foreign citizens $60 weekdays, $70 weekends, half price after 4 p.m. (9 holes). Juniors (17-under) $17 weekdays and $21 weekends. $11 and $12 after 4 p.m. (9 holes). Seniors (55-older) $2 off anyday.
Coral Creek Golf Course (72, 6,808) 91-1111 Geiger Rd., 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 441-4653. Director of Golf: Ron Huffman. Public. Green fees (includes cart): Kama'aina $47 weekday, $58 weekends. Twilight (after 1:30 p.m.) $32 weekdays, $37 weekends. Non-resident $125, $75 twilight. Walking allowed at same rates. Hawai'i State Junior Golf Association members $32 with paying adult after 11 a.m.
'Ewa Villages Golf Course (72, 6,430) 91-1760 Park Row St. 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 296-2000. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Twilight (spring/fall 1:36 p.m., winter 1:06 p.m., summer 2:06 p.m. weekdays, 1:36 p.m. weekends/holidays) half price, including cart.
Hawai'i Country Club (72, 5,761) 94-1211 Kunia Rd., P.O. Box 966, Wahiawa, 96786. 621-5654. Public. Green fees: Kama'aina: Before noon, $26 weekdays with cart, $19 walkers; After noon, $19 weekdays. Seniors (55-over): $19 weekdays. Before noon, $35 weekends with cart; After noon, $30 with cart; Twilight (after 4 p.m.): $15 weekdays with cart, $10 walkers; Weekends $21 and $12. Non-resident U.S.: $45 weekdays with cart, $26 walkers; $59 weekends with cart. Foreign citizens, $85 weekdays ($45 after 1:30 p.m.) and $90 weekends ($45 after 1:30 p.m.). Kama'aina juniors (17-under) $15 weekdays after noon, $25 weekends; Twilight $8.
Hawai'i Kai Golf Courses (72, 6,350 Championship; 55, 2,433 Executive) 8902 Kalaniana'ole Hwy., Honolulu, 96825. 395-2358. Head Pro: John Inzer. Public. Green fees: Championship course (cart mandatory) i Kama'aina $45 weekdays, $38 after 11 a.m., $30 after 2 p.m.; weekends $50, $42 from 1-1:30 p.m. Non-resident $90 weekdays, $80 after 11 a.m., $60 after 12:30 p.m., $100 weekends, $80 after 1 p.m. Executive course (cart not included, cart fee $8.50 additional per person) i Kama'aina $28.50 walking, $37 with cart. Twilight (nine holes, after 3:45 p.m.) $12 walking, $20.50 with cart. Weekends $15, $9 after 4 p.m. Juniors (17-under) $6 anyday, seniors (60-older) $8 weekdays only. Non-resident $28.50 weekdays, $33.50 weekends.
Hawai'i Prince Golf Club (27 holes, A/B 6,759, B/C 6,801, C/A 6,746) 91-1200 Fort Weaver Rd., 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 944-4567. Head Pro: Tim Herek. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $45 weekdays, $55 weekends, Prince Hotel guest $90, non-resident $135. Twilight (after 2:30 p.m.), kama'aina $25 riding, $15 walking, hotel guest $40, non-resident $50. Juniors (17-under) $25, must be accompanied by an adult.
Hickam Golf Courses (72, 6,419 Mamala Bay; 27, 1,400 Par-3) 900 Hangar Ave., Hickam Air Force Base, 96853. 449-6490 Mamala, 449-2093 Par-3. Head Pros: Tom Stanfill (Mamala), Carl Nelson (Par-3). Military. Green fees: MamalaE1-E4 $9, E5-O3 $14, O4-above $16. Cart: Military $8. Kama'aina/U.S. civilians, with military sponsor, $32 or $41 with cart. Twilight (after 3:30 p.m.) half price. Juniors (17-under) $9, $4.50 twilight walking. Par-3E4-below $3.50, E5-above $5, Dept. of Defense $6, Kama'aina/U.S. civilians, with military sponsor $8 per nine holes. No riding carts.
Honolulu Country Club (72, 5,987) 1690 Ala Pu'umalu St., Honolulu, 96818. 833-4541. Head Pro: David Kowalczyk. Private. Green fees as invited guests (Monday-Fridays only) i $47 playing with member, $57.50 without.
Kahuku Golf Course (35, 2,699) P.O. Box 417, Kahuku, 96731. 296-2000. Municipal. Open 6:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Reservations recommended. No equipment rentals after 1:30 p.m. Green fees (9 holes) Kama'aina with Golf ID Card $4 weekdays, $5 weekends; without Golf ID Card $8 weekdays, $9 weekends. Seniors (65-older) with Golf ID Card $2 weekdays, $4 weekends; without Golf ID Card $6 weekdays, $8 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID Card $2 weekdays, $2.50 weekends; without Golf ID Card $6 weekdays. Non-resident $10. No riding carts. No twilight.
Kalakaua Golf Course (72, 6,186) U.S. Army Golf, Schofield Barracks, 96857. 655-9833. Director of Golf: Mike Iyoki. Head Pro: Larry Ordonio. Military/open to local residents. Green fees: Kama'aina/U.S. civilians $26. Juniors (17-under) $12. Cart $8 per rider. Twilight (after 2 p.m. weekdays and 3:30 weekends) half price.
Kane'ohe Klipper Golf Course (72, 6,269) Box 63073 MCBH Kane'ohe Bay, 96863. 254-2107. Head Pro: Todd Murata. Military. Green fees: $32 with military sponsor. Twilight (after 2:30 p.m.) $22. Cart $8 per rider, $5 twilight.
Kapolei Golf Course (72, 6,600) 91-701 Farrington Hwy., Kapolei, 96707. 674-2227. Golf Operations Manager: Ken Teraro. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $50 weekdays, $55 weekends. Twilight (after 2:30 p.m. weekdays, 3:30 weekends; reservations on same-day basis) $25. Non-resident Mainland $70 weekdays, $35 twilight, $90 weekends. Non-resident international $130 weekdays, $60 twilight, $150 weekends.
Ko Olina Golf Club (72, 6,867) 92-1220 Ali'inui Dr., Kapolei, 96707. 676-5300. Head Pro: Scott Ashworth. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $70 everyday, twilight (after 1 p.m.) $50, and $30 after 4 p.m (includes driving range). Replay $30. Ihilani Resort guest $115, non-resident $145. Twilight $75 (after 1 p.m.) and $50 (after 4 p.m.). Replay $55 Ihilani guest, $75 non-resident.
Ko'olau Golf Club (72, 7,310) 45-550 Kionaole Rd., Kane'ohe, 96744. 236-4653. GM/Head Pro: Rob Nelson. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $54 Monday-Thursday, $59 Friday-Sunday, twilight (after 1 p.m.) $35. Non-resident $125, twilight $80. Juniors (17-under) $25 weekdays, $35 weekends. Special member rates and non-resident packages available.
Leilehua Golf Course (72, 6,521) U.S. Army Golf. 655-4653. Military/open to local residents. Head Pro: Rick Ambrose. Green fees: Kama'aina/U.S. civilians $32, non-U.S. guests $32, juniors (17-under) $12. Cart $8 per rider. Twilight (after 2 p.m. weekdays and 3:30 weekends) half price.
Luana Hills Country Club (72, 6,164) 770 Auloa Road, Kailua, 96734. 262-2139. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $47 weekdays, $57 weekends, twilight (weekdays after 2:30 p.m.) $35. Non-resident $95 weekdays, $105 weekends, $65 twilight.
Makaha Resort (72, 6,414) 84-626 Makaha Valley Rd., Wai'anae, 96792. 695-9544. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $35 weekdays, $28 twilight (1 p.m.), $45 weekends. Seniors (55-older) $35 weekdays. Juniors (17-under) $25. Non-resident $90, $80 after noon, $50 after 1 p.m. Shuttle packages (transportation, green fees and rental clubs) leave Waikiki at 6:30 a.m. ($125) and 11 a.m. ($90).
Makaha Valley Country Club (71, 6,091) 84-627 Makaha Valley Rd., Wai'anae, 96792. 695-9578. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $35 weekdays, weekends $45, $37 after 11 a.m., club play $45 all day. Non-resident-Mainland $55 weekdays, $65 weekends. International guests $100 weekdays, $55 after 11 a.m., $100 weekends, $65 after 11 a.m. Juniors (17-under), kama'aina accompanied by adult $18, non-resident accompanied by adult $35.
Mid-Pacific Country Club (72, 6,463 white, 6,792 blue) 266 Ka'elepulu Dr., Kailua, 96734. 261-9765. Head Pro: Mark Sousa. Semi-Private.
Mililani Golf Club (72, 6,239 white, 6,455 blue) 95-176 Kuahelani Ave., Mililani, 96789. 623-2222. Director of Golf: Ron Kia'aina. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $39 weekdays, $46 weekends. Twilight weekdays $23 (after 1 p.m.), $20 (after 3:30). Twilight weekends $21 (after 3:30 p.m.). Non-resident $89 weekdays, $65 after 11 a.m., $45 after 1 p.m., $20 after 3:30; $95 weekends, $21 after 3:30 p.m. Seniors (60-older), HPD and military $28 weekdays. Juniors (10-17) $25 everyday.
Moanalua Golf Club (36, 2,972) 1250 Ala Aolani St. Honolulu, 96819. 839-2411. Semi-Private. Green fees (18 holes): Non-members $25 weekdays, $30 weekends. Twilight (after 3 p.m.) $12 and $15. Cart $16. Weekend mornings (until 1 p.m.) are private. No tee times first-come, first-serve, except weekends and holidays after 1 p.m.
Navy-Marine Golf Course (72, 6,561) 943 Valkenburgh St., Honolulu, 96818. 471-0142. Director of Golf: Todd Nicely. Head Pro: David Chin. Military. Green fees: Kama'aina/non-resident, with military sponsor, $32. Twilight (after 3:30 p.m.) half price. Cart $9 per rider.
New 'Ewa Beach Golf Club (72, 5,992) 91-050 Ft. Weaver Rd., 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 689-8351. Semi-Private. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $35 weekdays, $45 weekends. Nine-hole twilight (after 2:30 p.m.) $22 weekdays, $25 weekends. Non-resident international $115, $35 nine-hole twilight. Non-resident U.S. $65, $35 nine-hole twilight.
O'ahu Country Club (71, 5,887) 150 Country Club Rd., Honolulu, 96817. 595-3256. Head Pro: Andrew Feldmann. Private.
Olomana Golf Links (Par 72, 5,905) 41-1801 Kalaniana'ole Hwy., Waimanalo, 96795. 259-7926. Director of Golf: Lloyd Nakama. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $39 weekdays, $30 after 1 p.m.-3 p.m., $47 weekends. Non-resident $67 everyday. Twilight (after 3 p.m.) for kama'aina and non-resident, weekdays $15 to walk, $25 to ride nine holes and walk remaining holes; weekends $17 to walk, $27 to ride 9 holes and walk remaining holes. Kama'aina seniors (55-older) $30 weekdays. Juniors (17-under) free on Wednesday after 3 p.m. with paying adult.
Pali Golf Course (72, 6,494) 45-050 Kamehameha Hwy., Kane'ohe, 96744. 296-2000. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Twilight (after 4 p.m.) half price, walking.
Pearl Country Club (72, 6,230) 98-535 Kaonohi St., 'Aiea, 96701. 487-3802. Director of Golf: David Ishii. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $39 Monday-Tuesday, $42 Wednesday-Friday, $48 weekends. Non-resident U.S. $65 weekdays, $70 weekends. Non-U.S. guest $90 weekdays, $100 weekends. Nine-hole twilight (after 4 p.m.) $20 everybody, everyday, except when tournaments are in progress.
Royal Kunia Country Club (72, 7,060) 688-9222. Not Open.
Ted Makalena Golf Course (71, 5,946) 93-059 Waipi'o Pt. Access Rd., Waipahu, 96797. 296-2000. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Twilight (after 4 p.m.) half price, no carts at twilight.
Turtle Bay Hilton & Country Club (72, 6,366 Links at Kuilima; 36, 3,204 Turtle Bay) 57-049 Kuilima Dr., Kahuku, 96731. 293-8574. Dir. of Golf: Dennis Rose. Head Pro: Larry Keil. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Links and Turtle Bay Kama'aina $50 weekdays, $60 weekends, twilight (after 3 p.m.) $33. Hilton guests $110, $60 twilight. Non-resident $155, $85 twilight. Kama'aina (North Shore residents) $33 9 holes, $42 18 holes.
Waialae Country Club (72, 6,529) 4997 Kahala Ave., Honolulu, 96816. 732-1457. Head Pro: Greg Nichols. Private.
Waikele Golf Club (72, 5,983) 94-200 Paioa Place, Waipahu, 96797. 676-9000. Director of Golf: Mel Nagata. Head Pro: Gordon Tsujimura. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $45 Monday-Friday, $56 weekends. Twilight (3:30 p.m. check-in, nine holes only) $20 weekdays, $25 weekends. Non-resident $103 weekdays, $108 weekends, $40 twilight. Seniors (60-older) $34 weekdays. Juniors (17-under) $21 weekdays.
Walter Nagorski Golf Course (34, 2,837) U.S. Army Golf, Ft. Shafter 96858. 438-9587. Head Pro: Henry Rente. Military/open to local residents. Green fees: Kama'aina/U.S. civilians/non-U.S. guests accompanying kama'aina $18 weekdays, $22 weekends, juniors (17-under) $12. Cart $8 per rider. Twilight (after 3:30 p.m.) half price.
West Loch Golf Course (72, 5,849) 91-1126 Okupe St. 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 296-2000. Head Pro: Ty Otake. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Nine-hole policy starting at 2:06 p.m. on weekdays $6, 1:36 p.m. weekends $8.
Ka'anapali Golf Courses (71, 6,136 North, 71, 6,067 South) Ka'anapali Beach, Lahaina, 96761. 661-3691. Pro Shop Manager: Chris Smallmont. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): North Course i Kama'aina $60. Ka'anapali resort guest $130, $77 twilight (after 2 p.m.). Non-resident $150, $77 twilight. South Course i Kama'aina $57. Ka'anapali resort guest $117, $74 twilight; non-resident $142, $74 twilight. Replay rate is $30 kama'aina, $49 all others.
Kapalua Golf Club/Bay Course (72, 6,151) 300 Kapalua Dr., Kapalua, 96761. 669-8820 (1-877-KAPALUA (1-877-527-2582) toll-free outside of Maui). Head Pro: Jerry Pang-Ching. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $62, resort guests $115, non-resident $160. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $75. Replay $50.
Kapalua Golf Club/Plantation (73, 6,547) 2000 Plantation Club Dr., Kapalua, 96761. 669-8877 (1-877-KAPALUA (1-877-527-2582) toll-free outside of Maui). Head Pro: Craig Sasada. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $67, resort guest $125, non-resident $200. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $80. Replay $50.
Kapalua Golf Club/Village Course (71, 6,001) 300 Kapalua Dr., Kapalua, 96761. 669-8835 (1-877-KAPALUA (1-877-527-2582) toll-free outside of Maui). Head Pro: David Rau. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $62, resort guest $115, non-resident $160. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $75. Replay $50.
Makena Golf Club (72, 6,567 North, 72, 6,629 South) 5415 Makena Alanui, Makena, 96753. 879-3344. Director of Golf: Howard Kihune. Resort. Green fees (includes cart): North Kama'aina $45, Prince Hotel guest $85, Non-hotel Guest $110. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $85. Junior (15-under) kama'aina $35, non-resident $60. South Kama'aina $60, Prince Hotel guest $100, Non-hotel guest $125. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $85. Walking rates $40 kama'aina, $50 Prince Hotel guest, after 3 p.m.
Maui Country Club (37, 3,274) 48 Nonohe Pl., Pa'ia, 96779. 877-7893. Head Pro: Brad Bowen. Private. Open to visitors Monday, $35 Maui resident, $75 non-resident (includes cart).
Pukalani Country Club (72, 6,494) 55 Pukalani St., Pukalani, 96768. 572-1314. Public. Director of Golf: Ron Kia'aina. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $30, $22 after 11 a.m., $18 after 2 p.m. Non-resident $50, $40 after 11 a.m, $30 after 2 p.m.
Sandalwood Golf Course (72, 6,000) 2500 Honoapi'ilani Hwy., Wailuku, 96793. 242-7090. Operations Manager: JB Falbo. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $30, 9 holes $25. Non-resident $80, 9 holes $50. Twilight (begins at noon): $25 kama'aina, $50 non-resident.
Elleair Maui Golf Club (71, 6,400) 1345 Pi'ilani Hwy., Kihei, 96753. 874-0777. Golf Operations Manager: Sherrie Golden. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $42, $32 after 1 p.m., $25 after 3:30 p.m. (9 holes); non-resident $85, $65 after 1 p.m, $45 after 3:30 p.m. (9 holes)
The Dunes at Maui Lani (72, 6800) 31 Ku'ualoha, Kahului, 96732. 873-0422. Director of Golf: David Gleason. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $44, $25 after 2 p.m., non-resident $95, $45 after 2 p.m. Juniors (17-under) Kama'aina $10 with paying adult (until Aug. 31), visitors $20.
Waiehu Golf Course (72, 6,330) Wailuku, 96793. 243-7400. Head Pro: Henry Yogi (leaving in Sept.), assistant Guy Hashiro. Municipal. Green fees: Maui residents with Golf ID card (golf residency letter available at tax office) $8 weekdays, $9 weekends; other Hawai'i residents (with Hawai'i Drivers License) $14 weekdays, $15 weekends; non-residents $26 weekdays, $30 weekends. Cart $8 per rider. Maui juniors (17-under) free with $5 monthly card.
Wailea Golf Club/Blue (72, 6,152) 120 Kaukahi St., Kihei, 96753. 875-7450 (1-888-328-MAUI (1-888-328-6284) toll-free outside Maui). Head Pro: Rusty Hathaway. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $55, Wailea Resort guests $115, non-resident $140. Twilight (after noon) $45 kama'aina, $80 resort guest, $95 non-resident.
Wailea Golf Club/Gold (72, 6,653) 100 Wailea Golf Club Dr., 875-7450 (1-888-328-MAUI (1-888-328-6284) toll-free outside Maui). Senior Head Pro: Rick Castillo. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $60, Wailea Resort guest $135, non-resident $160.
Wailea Golf Club/Emerald (72, 6,407) 100 Wailea Golf Club Dr., 875-7450 (1-888-328-MAUI (1-888-328-6284) toll-free outside Maui). Senior Head Pro: Rick Castillo. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $60, Wailea Resort guest $125, non-resident $150.
Grove Farm Golf Course at Puakea (10 holes, 3,803) 4315 Kalepa St., Lihu'e, 96766. 245-8756. Head Pro: Kellie Pleas. Public. Green fees (20 holes, cart mandatory): Everyday, kama'aina $40, twilight (after 2 p.m.) $30; non-resident $65 and $50; 10-hole rate, $25 kama'aina, $45 non-resident. Juniors (17-under) kama'aina $1 per hole, non-resident $40 (10 hole rate-$25).
Kiele at Kaua'i Lagoons Resort (72, 6,637) 3351 Hoolaulea Way, Lihu'e, 96766. 241-6000 or 800-634-6400 (outside Kaua'i). Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $75, Kaua'i Marriott guest $120, non-resident $170, other Kaua'i hotel guests $130. After noon special: $99 everyone.
Kiahuna Golf Club (70, 5,631) 2545 Kiahuna Plantation Dr., Koloa, 96756. 742-9595. Resort. Director of Golf: Ron Kia'aina. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kaua'i resident $28, other kama'aina $40, select Po'ipu Resort guests and non-residents $75. Twilight: Kaua'i resident $20 and other kama'aina $28 after 1:30 p.m., resort guests and non-residents $45 after 2:30 p.m. Juniors (17-under) $20 kama'aina, $40 non-resident.
Kukuiolono Golf Course (36, 3,173) PO Box 98, Kalaheo, 96766. 332-9151. Public. Green fees: $7 everyday. Cart $6 per 9 holes. Juniors (17-under) $3.
Mokihana at Kaua'i Lagoons Resort (72, 6,545) 3351 Hoolaulea Way, Lihu'e, 96766. 241-6000 or 800-634-6400 (outside Kaua'i). Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $45, Kaua'i Marriott guest $75, non-resident $85. Twilight (after 11 a.m.) $55 Kaua'i Marriott guest, $65 non-resident.
Po'ipu Bay Resort Golf Course (72, 6,914) 2250 Ainako St., Koloa, 96756. 742-8711. Head Pro: Michael Castillo. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $75, kama'aina Hyatt guest $65; Hyatt guest $125 before noon, $110 after; non-resident $185 before noon, $120 after. Twilight (after 3 p.m.) $65. Replay rate $50. Juniors (17-under) half off.
Princeville Golf Club/Makai Course (36, 3,157 Ocean; 36, 3,149 Lakes; 36, 3,208 Woods) 4080 Leiopapa Rd., Princeville, 96722. 826-3580. Head Pro: Jack Baker. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kaua'i resident $47, other kama'aina $57; Princeville Hotel guest $105, $85 after 1:30 p.m., $47 nine holes after 4 p.m.; resort guest $110; non-resident $125. Juniors (17-under) $47 non-resident. Kaua'i resident unlimited play $47, Kama'aina unlimited play $57. Non-resident replay rate $37.
Princeville Resort/Prince Golf Club (72, 6,521) 5-3900 Kuhio Hwy., Princeville, 96722. 826-5000. Head Pro: Jack Baker. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kaua'i resident $70, $60 after 11 a.m.; other kama'aina $85, $75 after 11 a.m.; Princeville Hotel guest $130, resort guest $150, non-resident $175. Guests and non-residents $120 after noon. Non-resident replay rate $60.
Wailua Golf Course (72, 6,585) 3-5350 Kuhio Hwy., Lihu'e, 96746. 241-6666. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina $10 weekdays, $12 weekends. Non-resident $32 weekdays, $44 weekends. Cart $14. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) half price on green fees only. Kaua'i seniors (65-older) $9 weekdays, $13 weekends. Kama'aina juniors (17-under) $1, twilight $.50.
Big Island Country Club (72, 6,114) 71-1420 Mamalahoa Hwy., Kailua, Kona, 96740. 325-5044. Director of Golf: Ken Joersz. Semi-private. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $55, twilight (after 11 a.m.) $40; non-resident $85, twilight $55.
Discovery Harbour Golf & Country Club (72, 6,410) P.O. Box 130, Na'alehu, 96772. 929-7353. Not open.
Hamakua Country Club (33, 2,520) P.O. Box 751, Honoka'a, 96727. 775-7244. Public. Green fees: $15. Juniors (students) free, but those 14-under must be with adult. No carts.
Hapuna Golf Course (72, 6,029) 62-100 Kauna'oa Dr., Kamuela, 96743. 880-3000. Head Pro: Ron Castillo Jr. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $65 ($55 after noon), resort guests $100, non-resident $145. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $40 kama'aina, $75 resort guest, $75 non-resident.
Hilo Municipal (71, 6,006) 340 Haihai St., Hilo, 96720. 959-7711. Head Pro: Rodney Acia. Municipal. Green fees: Big Island resident $5 weekdays, $8 weekends, other kama'aina $15 and $20, non-resident $20 and $25. Monthly card rates (unlimited golf): $33 Big Island residents, $18 Big Island senior residents (60-older), $18 disabled veterans, $10 student. Cart $14.50 for 18 holes, $8 for 9 holes.
Hualalai Golf Club (72, 6,632) 100 Ka'upulehu Dr., Ka'upulehu, Kona, 96740. 325-8480. Director of Golf: John Freitas. Head Pro: Kitt Felte. Private Resort. Play only for guests staying at Four Seasons and Hualalai homeowners and residents.
Kona Country Club (72, 6,155 Ocean Course; 72, 5,828 Mountain Course) 78-7000 Ali'i Dr., Kailua, Kona, 96740. 322-2595. Head Pro: Greg Molfino. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $50 (Ocean) and $40 (Mountain), non-resident $115 (Ocean) and $95 (Mountain). Twilight kama'aina (after 1 p.m.) $35 (Ocean), $30 (Mountain); non-resident twilight (after noon) $85 (Ocean), $75 (Mountain). Juniors (8-18) $35.
Makalei Hawai'i Country Club (72, 6,161) 72-3890 Hawai'i Belt Rd., Kailua, Kona, 96740. 325-6625. General Manager: Maureen Bond. Semi-private. Green fees (cart mandatory): Big Island resident $45, other kama'aina $55, non-resident $110. Twilight (after noon), Big Island resident $30, other kama'aina $35, non-resident $50. Juniors (8-14) pay cart fee of $25, or $15 twilight, with paying adult.
Mauna Kea Golf Course (72, 6,365) 62-100 Mauna Kea Beach Dr., Kamuela, 96743. 882-5400. Head Pro: Scott Bridges. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $95, resort guest $120, non-resident $195. Twilight (after 1 p.m.) Resort guest $75, non-resident $145. Juniors (17-under) $65 with paying adult.
Mauna Lani Resort Francis H. I'i Brown Golf Courses (72, 6,335 North, 72, 6,370 South) 68-1310 Mauna Lani Dr., Kamuela, 96743. 885-6655. Head Pro: Steven Ho'okano. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $100, resort guest $120, non-resident $185. Twilight (after 3 p.m.) $75 for everybody. Juniors (17-under) $40.
Naniloa Country Club (35, 2,735) 120 Banyan Dr., Hilo, 96720. 935-3000. Golf Course Manager: Kawehi Andrade. Semi-private. Green fees: Big Island resident $7 weekdays, nine holes, $10 weekdays, 18 holes, $8 (9) weekends, $11 (18). Other kama'aina and Naniloa Hotel guests $11 (9), $15 (18) weekdays. Naniloa Non-resident $20 (9), $25 (18) weekdays and $25 (9), $30 (18) weekends. Cart $7.50 per 9 holes. Seniors (55-older, Big Island residents only) $7 between 7-11 a.m. weekdays.
Sea Mountain Golf Course (72, 6,106) P.O. Box 190, Pahala, 96777. 928-6222. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $24 weekdays and $27 weekends, condo guests $32 and $35, non-resident $42 and $45. Juniors (17-under) $17 and $20.
Volcano Golf & Country Club (72, 5,800) P.O. Box 46, Volcanoes National Park, 96718. 967-7331. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Big Island resident $28 weekdays and $30 weekends, other kama'aina $37.50 and $42, non-resident $62.50 everyday. Twilight (after noon, Big Island resident only) $26.50 weekdays, $27.50 weekends. Juniors (17-under) $15 weekdays, $18 weekends. Seniors (55-older Big Island resident) $21 Tuesday and Thursday.
Waikoloa Resort Beach Course (70, 5,958) 1020 Keana Pl., Waikoloa, 96738. 886-6060. Director of Golf: David Pritchett. Operations Manager: Ross Birch. Resort. Green fees (walking or riding): Big Island resident $55, other kama'aina $65, Waikoloa Resort guest $115, non-resident $150. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) resort guest/non residents $75. Juniors (17-under) half off after noon.
Waikoloa Resort Kings' Course (72, 6,010) 600 Waikoloa Beach Dr., Waikoloa, 96738. 886-7888. Director of Golf: David Pritchett. Resort. Green fees (walking or riding): Kama'aina $65, Waikoloa Resort guest $115, non-resident $150. Juniors (16-under) half off with one payed adult.
Waikoloa Village Golf Club (72, 6,142) P.O. Box 383910, Waikoloa, 96738. 883-9621. Head Pro: John Mauro Jr. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $45, non-resident $100. Twilight (after noon) kama'aina $30, non-resident $55. Juniors (17-under) $10 walking, $30 with cart. Kama'aina walking rate (after 11 a.m.) $25, (after noon) $20. Special: Tuesday-Friday, $60 for golf, cart and meal at Roussel's restaurant.
Waimea Country Club (72, 6,210) PO Box 2155, Kamuela, 96743. 885-8053. Semi-private. Green fees: Summer Special (Through Aug. 30): Kama'aina $25, $20 after 12:30 p.m. Non-residents $65, $50 after 12:30 p.m. Seniors $50, $40 after 12:30 p.m. Juniors $15, $10 (9 holes)
Cavendish Golf Course (36, 3,071) P.O. Box 862, Lana'i City, 96763. No telephone. Public. Green fee: Free (donation box). No carts.
The Experience at Ko'ele (72, 6,628) P.O. Box 310, Lana'i City, 96763. 565-4653. Head Pro: Brendan Moynahan. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Lana'i resident $35, kama'aina resort guest $75, kama'aina $75, resort guest $150, non-resident $200. Twilight (after 1 p.m.) $75 resort guests only. Juniors (17-under) $75. Replay rate $50.
The Challenge at Manele (72, 6,310) P.O. Box 310, Lana'i City, 96763. 565-2222. Head Pro: Doug Stephenson. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Lana'i resident $35, kama'aina resort guest $75, kama'aina $75, resort guest $150, non-resident $200. Twilight (after 1 p.m.) $75 resort guests only. Juniors (17-under) $75. Replay rate $50. Nine-hole rate $75 resort guests.
Ironwood Hills Country Club (34, 2,816) P.O. Box 182, Kualapu'u, 96757. 567-6000. Public. Green fees: Kama'aina $7 (9 holes) and $9 (18 holes), non-resident $15 and $20. Cart $8 (9 holes), $16 (18 holes). Students $5 for monthly card. Yearly resident rate $550.
Kaluako'i Golf Course (72, 6,187) P.O. Box 26, Maunaloa, 96770. 552-2555. Head Pro: Scott Gileta. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Temporarily closed.