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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, July 21, 2002

Your complete guide to all the courses in Hawai'i
Advertiser Golf Guide

The Experience at Ko'ele is a par-72 course. Green fees (cart mandatory): Lana'i resident $35, kama'aina resort guest $75, kama'aina $75, resort guest $150, non-resident $200. Twilight (after 1 p.m.) $75 resort guests only. Juniors (17-under) $75.

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Ever wonder what it would cost to play on one of Hawai'i's world-class golf courses? Here is a look at all of the golf courses in the state, with contact numbers, yardage and green fees for non-residents as well as Hawai'i residents.

The par and yardage are in parentheses.

• Posted phone numbers are for tee times

• Weekend rates usually apply to holidays

• Replay rates are good for same day only, based on space availability

• Some green fees do not include tax

• Twilight times subject to change

• At the Army courses (Kalakaua, Leilehua and Walter Nagorski), non-military kama'aina can reserve a tee time only on day of play, or walk-on

• To get a Golf ID Card for O'ahu municipal courses, go to Ala Wai on Tuesday (between 10 a.m.-2 p.m.) or Saturday (8 a.m.-noon), or to Pali on Wednesday or Saturday (8 a.m.-noon). Bring a valid Hawai'i Driver's License or qualifying documents (call 733-7386 for information). Players without a Golf ID Card are $4 more, with Hawai'i Driver's License or qualifying documents. Seniors (65-older) and disabled persons can buy discount cards for $32 a month from the starter. Junior (17-under) discount cards are $12 a month. Discount cards allow up to 10 rounds a month (weekdays only).


• Ala Wai Golf Course (70, 5,817) — 404 Kapahulu Ave., Honolulu, 96815. 296-2000. Head Pro: Ron Castillo Sr. (Driving Range 735-5889). Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Twilight (after 4 p.m.) and 9 holes (3 p.m.) half price, including cart.

• Barbers Point Golf Course (72, 6,394) — NAS, Barbers Point, 96862. 682-1911. Head Pro: Robin Hashimoto. Military/Dept. of Defense personnel allowed. Green fees: Civilians (accompanied by military) $29. Military—E1-E5 $10; E6-O3 $14; O4-above $16. DOD—Navy $20; All others: $23. Juniors (17-under): Military $8, Civilians $12. Twilight (after 3:30 p.m.) half price. Cart $9 per person.

• Bayview Golf Park (60, 2,231) — 45-285 Kane'ohe Bay Dr., Kane'ohe, 96744. 247-0451. Director of Golf: Tommy Ukauka. Public. Green fees: Kama'aina $27 weekdays, $32 weekends; $13 and $14 after 4 p.m. (9 holes), with cart. Walking: $12 weekdays, $16 weekends before 4 p.m., $8 and $9 after 4 p.m. Non-resident $42 weekdays, $50 weekends with cart; $25 and $28 after 4 p.m. (9 holes). Foreign citizens $60 weekdays, $70 weekends, half price after 4 p.m. (9 holes). Juniors (17-under) $17 weekdays and $21 weekends. $11 and $12 after 4 p.m. (9 holes). Seniors (55-older) $2 off anyday.

• Coral Creek Golf Course (72, 6,808) — 91-1111 Geiger Rd., 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 441-4653. Director of Golf: Ron Huffman. Public. Green fees (includes cart): Kama'aina $47 weekday, $58 weekends. Twilight (after 1:30 p.m.) $32 weekdays, $37 weekends. Non-resident $125, $75 twilight. Walking allowed at same rates. Hawai'i State Junior Golf Association members $32 with paying adult after 11 a.m.

• 'Ewa Villages Golf Course (72, 6,430) — 91-1760 Park Row St. 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 296-2000. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Twilight (spring/fall 1:36 p.m., winter 1:06 p.m., summer 2:06 p.m. weekdays, 1:36 p.m. weekends/holidays) half price, including cart.

• Hawai'i Country Club (72, 5,761) — 94-1211 Kunia Rd., P.O. Box 966, Wahiawa, 96786. 621-5654. Public. Green fees: Kama'aina: Before noon, $26 weekdays with cart, $19 walkers; After noon, $19 weekdays. Seniors (55-over): $19 weekdays. Before noon, $35 weekends with cart; After noon, $30 with cart; Twilight (after 4 p.m.): $15 weekdays with cart, $10 walkers; Weekends $21 and $12. Non-resident U.S.: $45 weekdays with cart, $26 walkers; $59 weekends with cart. Foreign citizens, $85 weekdays ($45 after 1:30 p.m.) and $90 weekends ($45 after 1:30 p.m.). Kama'aina juniors (17-under) $15 weekdays after noon, $25 weekends; Twilight $8.

• Hawai'i Kai Golf Courses (72, 6,350 Championship; 55, 2,433 Executive) — 8902 Kalaniana'ole Hwy., Honolulu, 96825. 395-2358. Head Pro: John Inzer. Public. Green fees: Championship course (cart mandatory) i Kama'aina $45 weekdays, $38 after 11 a.m., $30 after 2 p.m.; weekends $50, $42 from 1-1:30 p.m. Non-resident $90 weekdays, $80 after 11 a.m., $60 after 12:30 p.m., $100 weekends, $80 after 1 p.m. Executive course (cart not included, cart fee $8.50 additional per person) i Kama'aina $28.50 walking, $37 with cart. Twilight (nine holes, after 3:45 p.m.) $12 walking, $20.50 with cart. Weekends $15, $9 after 4 p.m. Juniors (17-under) $6 anyday, seniors (60-older) $8 weekdays only. Non-resident $28.50 weekdays, $33.50 weekends.

• Hawai'i Prince Golf Club (27 holes, A/B 6,759, B/C 6,801, C/A 6,746) — 91-1200 Fort Weaver Rd., 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 944-4567. Head Pro: Tim Herek. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $45 weekdays, $55 weekends, Prince Hotel guest $90, non-resident $135. Twilight (after 2:30 p.m.), kama'aina $25 riding, $15 walking, hotel guest $40, non-resident $50. Juniors (17-under) $25, must be accompanied by an adult.

• Hickam Golf Courses (72, 6,419 Mamala Bay; 27, 1,400 Par-3) — 900 Hangar Ave., Hickam Air Force Base, 96853. 449-6490 Mamala, 449-2093 Par-3. Head Pros: Tom Stanfill (Mamala), Carl Nelson (Par-3). Military. Green fees: Mamala—E1-E4 $9, E5-O3 $14, O4-above $16. Cart: Military $8. Kama'aina/U.S. civilians, with military sponsor, $32 or $41 with cart. Twilight (after 3:30 p.m.) half price. Juniors (17-under) $9, $4.50 twilight walking. Par-3—E4-below $3.50, E5-above $5, Dept. of Defense $6, Kama'aina/U.S. civilians, with military sponsor $8 per nine holes. No riding carts.

• Honolulu Country Club (72, 5,987) — 1690 Ala Pu'umalu St., Honolulu, 96818. 833-4541. Head Pro: David Kowalczyk. Private. Green fees as invited guests (Monday-Fridays only) i $47 playing with member, $57.50 without.

• Kahuku Golf Course (35, 2,699) — P.O. Box 417, Kahuku, 96731. 296-2000. Municipal. Open 6:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Reservations recommended. No equipment rentals after 1:30 p.m. Green fees (9 holes) — Kama'aina with Golf ID Card $4 weekdays, $5 weekends; without Golf ID Card $8 weekdays, $9 weekends. Seniors (65-older) with Golf ID Card $2 weekdays, $4 weekends; without Golf ID Card $6 weekdays, $8 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID Card $2 weekdays, $2.50 weekends; without Golf ID Card $6 weekdays. Non-resident $10. No riding carts. No twilight.

• Kalakaua Golf Course (72, 6,186) — U.S. Army Golf, Schofield Barracks, 96857. 655-9833. Director of Golf: Mike Iyoki. Head Pro: Larry Ordonio. Military/open to local residents. Green fees: Kama'aina/U.S. civilians $26. Juniors (17-under) $12. Cart $8 per rider. Twilight (after 2 p.m. weekdays and 3:30 weekends) half price.

• Kane'ohe Klipper Golf Course (72, 6,269) — Box 63073 MCBH Kane'ohe Bay, 96863. 254-2107. Head Pro: Todd Murata. Military. Green fees: $32 with military sponsor. Twilight (after 2:30 p.m.) $22. Cart $8 per rider, $5 twilight.

• Kapolei Golf Course (72, 6,600) — 91-701 Farrington Hwy., Kapolei, 96707. 674-2227. Golf Operations Manager: Ken Teraro. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $50 weekdays, $55 weekends. Twilight (after 2:30 p.m. weekdays, 3:30 weekends; reservations on same-day basis) $25. Non-resident Mainland $70 weekdays, $35 twilight, $90 weekends. Non-resident international $130 weekdays, $60 twilight, $150 weekends.

• Ko Olina Golf Club (72, 6,867) —92-1220 Ali'inui Dr., Kapolei, 96707. 676-5300. Head Pro: Scott Ashworth. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $70 everyday, twilight (after 1 p.m.) $50, and $30 after 4 p.m (includes driving range). Replay $30. Ihilani Resort guest $115, non-resident $145. Twilight $75 (after 1 p.m.) and $50 (after 4 p.m.). Replay $55 Ihilani guest, $75 non-resident.

• Ko'olau Golf Club (72, 7,310) —45-550 Kionaole Rd., Kane'ohe, 96744. 236-4653. GM/Head Pro: Rob Nelson. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $54 Monday-Thursday, $59 Friday-Sunday, twilight (after 1 p.m.) $35. Non-resident $125, twilight $80. Juniors (17-under) $25 weekdays, $35 weekends. Special member rates and non-resident packages available.

• Leilehua Golf Course (72, 6,521) — U.S. Army Golf. 655-4653. Military/open to local residents. Head Pro: Rick Ambrose. Green fees: Kama'aina/U.S. civilians $32, non-U.S. guests $32, juniors (17-under) $12. Cart $8 per rider. Twilight (after 2 p.m. weekdays and 3:30 weekends) half price.

• Luana Hills Country Club (72, 6,164) — 770 Auloa Road, Kailua, 96734. 262-2139. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $47 weekdays, $57 weekends, twilight (weekdays after 2:30 p.m.) $35. Non-resident $95 weekdays, $105 weekends, $65 twilight.

• Makaha Resort (72, 6,414) — 84-626 Makaha Valley Rd., Wai'anae, 96792. 695-9544. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $35 weekdays, $28 twilight (1 p.m.), $45 weekends. Seniors (55-older) $35 weekdays. Juniors (17-under) $25. Non-resident $90, $80 after noon, $50 after 1 p.m. Shuttle packages (transportation, green fees and rental clubs) leave Waikiki at 6:30 a.m. ($125) and 11 a.m. ($90).

• Makaha Valley Country Club (71, 6,091) — 84-627 Makaha Valley Rd., Wai'anae, 96792. 695-9578. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $35 weekdays, weekends $45, $37 after 11 a.m., club play $45 all day. Non-resident-Mainland $55 weekdays, $65 weekends. International guests $100 weekdays, $55 after 11 a.m., $100 weekends, $65 after 11 a.m. Juniors (17-under), kama'aina accompanied by adult $18, non-resident accompanied by adult $35.

• Mid-Pacific Country Club (72, 6,463 white, 6,792 blue) — 266 Ka'elepulu Dr., Kailua, 96734. 261-9765. Head Pro: Mark Sousa. Semi-Private.

• Mililani Golf Club (72, 6,239 white, 6,455 blue) — 95-176 Kuahelani Ave., Mililani, 96789. 623-2222. Director of Golf: Ron Kia'aina. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $39 weekdays, $46 weekends. Twilight weekdays $23 (after 1 p.m.), $20 (after 3:30). Twilight weekends $21 (after 3:30 p.m.). Non-resident $89 weekdays, $65 after 11 a.m., $45 after 1 p.m., $20 after 3:30; $95 weekends, $21 after 3:30 p.m. Seniors (60-older), HPD and military $28 weekdays. Juniors (10-17) $25 everyday.

• Moanalua Golf Club (36, 2,972) — 1250 Ala Aolani St. Honolulu, 96819. 839-2411. Semi-Private. Green fees (18 holes): Non-members $25 weekdays, $30 weekends. Twilight (after 3 p.m.) $12 and $15. Cart $16. Weekend mornings (until 1 p.m.) are private. No tee times — first-come, first-serve, except weekends and holidays after 1 p.m.

• Navy-Marine Golf Course (72, 6,561) — 943 Valkenburgh St., Honolulu, 96818. 471-0142. Director of Golf: Todd Nicely. Head Pro: David Chin. Military. Green fees: Kama'aina/non-resident, with military sponsor, $32. Twilight (after 3:30 p.m.) half price. Cart $9 per rider.

• New 'Ewa Beach Golf Club (72, 5,992) — 91-050 Ft. Weaver Rd., 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 689-8351. Semi-Private. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $35 weekdays, $45 weekends. Nine-hole twilight (after 2:30 p.m.) $22 weekdays, $25 weekends. Non-resident international $115, $35 nine-hole twilight. Non-resident U.S. $65, $35 nine-hole twilight.

• O'ahu Country Club (71, 5,887) — 150 Country Club Rd., Honolulu, 96817. 595-3256. Head Pro: Andrew Feldmann. Private.

• Olomana Golf Links (Par 72, 5,905) — 41-1801 Kalaniana'ole Hwy., Waimanalo, 96795. 259-7926. Director of Golf: Lloyd Nakama. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $39 weekdays, $30 after 1 p.m.-3 p.m., $47 weekends. Non-resident $67 everyday. Twilight (after 3 p.m.) for kama'aina and non-resident, weekdays $15 to walk, $25 to ride nine holes and walk remaining holes; weekends $17 to walk, $27 to ride 9 holes and walk remaining holes. Kama'aina seniors (55-older) $30 weekdays. Juniors (17-under) free on Wednesday after 3 p.m. with paying adult.

• Pali Golf Course (72, 6,494) — 45-050 Kamehameha Hwy., Kane'ohe, 96744. 296-2000. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Twilight (after 4 p.m.) half price, walking.

• Pearl Country Club (72, 6,230) — 98-535 Kaonohi St., 'Aiea, 96701. 487-3802. Director of Golf: David Ishii. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $39 Monday-Tuesday, $42 Wednesday-Friday, $48 weekends. Non-resident U.S. $65 weekdays, $70 weekends. Non-U.S. guest $90 weekdays, $100 weekends. Nine-hole twilight (after 4 p.m.) $20 everybody, everyday, except when tournaments are in progress.

• Royal Kunia Country Club (72, 7,060) — 688-9222. Not Open.

• Ted Makalena Golf Course (71, 5,946) — 93-059 Waipi'o Pt. Access Rd., Waipahu, 96797. 296-2000. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Twilight (after 4 p.m.) half price, no carts at twilight.

• Turtle Bay Hilton & Country Club (72, 6,366 Links at Kuilima; 36, 3,204 Turtle Bay) — 57-049 Kuilima Dr., Kahuku, 96731. 293-8574. Dir. of Golf: Dennis Rose. Head Pro: Larry Keil. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Links and Turtle Bay — Kama'aina $50 weekdays, $60 weekends, twilight (after 3 p.m.) $33. Hilton guests $110, $60 twilight. Non-resident $155, $85 twilight. Kama'aina (North Shore residents) $33 9 holes, $42 18 holes.

• Waialae Country Club (72, 6,529) — 4997 Kahala Ave., Honolulu, 96816. 732-1457. Head Pro: Greg Nichols. Private.

• Waikele Golf Club (72, 5,983) — 94-200 Paioa Place, Waipahu, 96797. 676-9000. Director of Golf: Mel Nagata. Head Pro: Gordon Tsujimura. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $45 Monday-Friday, $56 weekends. Twilight (3:30 p.m. check-in, nine holes only) $20 weekdays, $25 weekends. Non-resident $103 weekdays, $108 weekends, $40 twilight. Seniors (60-older) $34 weekdays. Juniors (17-under) $21 weekdays.

• Walter Nagorski Golf Course (34, 2,837) — U.S. Army Golf, Ft. Shafter 96858. 438-9587. Head Pro: Henry Rente. Military/open to local residents. Green fees: Kama'aina/U.S. civilians/non-U.S. guests accompanying kama'aina $18 weekdays, $22 weekends, juniors (17-under) $12. Cart $8 per rider. Twilight (after 3:30 p.m.) half price.

• West Loch Golf Course (72, 5,849) — 91-1126 Okupe St. 'Ewa Beach, 96706. 296-2000. Head Pro: Ty Otake. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina with Golf ID card $12 weekdays, $16 weekends. Non-resident $42. Seniors (65-older) and disabled with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $16 weekends. Juniors (17-under) with Golf ID card $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Cart $16. Nine-hole policy starting at 2:06 p.m. on weekdays $6, 1:36 p.m. weekends $8.

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• Ka'anapali Golf Courses (71, 6,136 North, 71, 6,067 South) —Ka'anapali Beach, Lahaina, 96761. 661-3691. Pro Shop Manager: Chris Smallmont. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): North Course i Kama'aina $60. Ka'anapali resort guest $130, $77 twilight (after 2 p.m.). Non-resident $150, $77 twilight. South Course i Kama'aina $57. Ka'anapali resort guest $117, $74 twilight; non-resident $142, $74 twilight. Replay rate is $30 kama'aina, $49 all others.

• Kapalua Golf Club/Bay Course (72, 6,151) — 300 Kapalua Dr., Kapalua, 96761. 669-8820 (1-877-KAPALUA (1-877-527-2582) toll-free outside of Maui). Head Pro: Jerry Pang-Ching. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $62, resort guests $115, non-resident $160. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $75. Replay $50.

• Kapalua Golf Club/Plantation (73, 6,547) — 2000 Plantation Club Dr., Kapalua, 96761. 669-8877 (1-877-KAPALUA (1-877-527-2582) toll-free outside of Maui). Head Pro: Craig Sasada. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $67, resort guest $125, non-resident $200. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $80. Replay $50.

• Kapalua Golf Club/Village Course (71, 6,001) — 300 Kapalua Dr., Kapalua, 96761. 669-8835 (1-877-KAPALUA (1-877-527-2582) toll-free outside of Maui). Head Pro: David Rau. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $62, resort guest $115, non-resident $160. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $75. Replay $50.

• Makena Golf Club (72, 6,567 North, 72, 6,629 South) — 5415 Makena Alanui, Makena, 96753. 879-3344. Director of Golf: Howard Kihune. Resort. Green fees (includes cart): North — Kama'aina $45, Prince Hotel guest $85, Non-hotel Guest $110. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $85. Junior (15-under) kama'aina $35, non-resident $60. South — Kama'aina $60, Prince Hotel guest $100, Non-hotel guest $125. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $85. Walking rates $40 kama'aina, $50 Prince Hotel guest, after 3 p.m.

• Maui Country Club (37, 3,274) — 48 Nonohe Pl., Pa'ia, 96779. 877-7893. Head Pro: Brad Bowen. Private. Open to visitors Monday, $35 Maui resident, $75 non-resident (includes cart).

• Pukalani Country Club (72, 6,494) — 55 Pukalani St., Pukalani, 96768. 572-1314. Public. Director of Golf: Ron Kia'aina. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $30, $22 after 11 a.m., $18 after 2 p.m. Non-resident $50, $40 after 11 a.m, $30 after 2 p.m.

• Sandalwood Golf Course (72, 6,000) — 2500 Honoapi'ilani Hwy., Wailuku, 96793. 242-7090. Operations Manager: JB Falbo. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $30, 9 holes $25. Non-resident $80, 9 holes $50. Twilight (begins at noon): $25 kama'aina, $50 non-resident.

• Elleair Maui Golf Club (71, 6,400) — 1345 Pi'ilani Hwy., Kihei, 96753. 874-0777. Golf Operations Manager: Sherrie Golden. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $42, $32 after 1 p.m., $25 after 3:30 p.m. (9 holes); non-resident $85, $65 after 1 p.m, $45 after 3:30 p.m. (9 holes)

• The Dunes at Maui Lani (72, 6800) — 31 Ku'ualoha, Kahului, 96732. 873-0422. Director of Golf: David Gleason. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $44, $25 after 2 p.m., non-resident $95, $45 after 2 p.m. Juniors (17-under) Kama'aina $10 with paying adult (until Aug. 31), visitors $20.

• Waiehu Golf Course (72, 6,330) — Wailuku, 96793. 243-7400. Head Pro: Henry Yogi (leaving in Sept.), assistant Guy Hashiro. Municipal. Green fees: Maui residents with Golf ID card (golf residency letter available at tax office) $8 weekdays, $9 weekends; other Hawai'i residents (with Hawai'i Drivers License) $14 weekdays, $15 weekends; non-residents $26 weekdays, $30 weekends. Cart $8 per rider. Maui juniors (17-under) free with $5 monthly card.

• Wailea Golf Club/Blue (72, 6,152) — 120 Kaukahi St., Kihei, 96753. 875-7450 (1-888-328-MAUI (1-888-328-6284) toll-free outside Maui). Head Pro: Rusty Hathaway. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $55, Wailea Resort guests $115, non-resident $140. Twilight (after noon) $45 kama'aina, $80 resort guest, $95 non-resident.

• Wailea Golf Club/Gold (72, 6,653) — 100 Wailea Golf Club Dr., 875-7450 (1-888-328-MAUI (1-888-328-6284) toll-free outside Maui). Senior Head Pro: Rick Castillo. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $60, Wailea Resort guest $135, non-resident $160.

• Wailea Golf Club/Emerald (72, 6,407) — 100 Wailea Golf Club Dr., 875-7450 (1-888-328-MAUI (1-888-328-6284) toll-free outside Maui). Senior Head Pro: Rick Castillo. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $60, Wailea Resort guest $125, non-resident $150.

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• Grove Farm Golf Course at Puakea (10 holes, 3,803) — 4315 Kalepa St., Lihu'e, 96766. 245-8756. Head Pro: Kellie Pleas. Public. Green fees (20 holes, cart mandatory): Everyday, kama'aina $40, twilight (after 2 p.m.) $30; non-resident $65 and $50; 10-hole rate, $25 kama'aina, $45 non-resident. Juniors (17-under) kama'aina $1 per hole, non-resident $40 (10 hole rate-$25).

• Kiele at Kaua'i Lagoons Resort (72, 6,637) — 3351 Hoolaulea Way, Lihu'e, 96766. 241-6000 or 800-634-6400 (outside Kaua'i). Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $75, Kaua'i Marriott guest $120, non-resident $170, other Kaua'i hotel guests $130. After noon special: $99 everyone.

• Kiahuna Golf Club (70, 5,631) — 2545 Kiahuna Plantation Dr., Koloa, 96756. 742-9595. Resort. Director of Golf: Ron Kia'aina. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kaua'i resident $28, other kama'aina $40, select Po'ipu Resort guests and non-residents $75. Twilight: Kaua'i resident $20 and other kama'aina $28 after 1:30 p.m., resort guests and non-residents $45 after 2:30 p.m. Juniors (17-under) $20 kama'aina, $40 non-resident.

• Kukuiolono Golf Course (36, 3,173) — PO Box 98, Kalaheo, 96766. 332-9151. Public. Green fees: $7 everyday. Cart $6 per 9 holes. Juniors (17-under) $3.

• Mokihana at Kaua'i Lagoons Resort (72, 6,545) — 3351 Hoolaulea Way, Lihu'e, 96766. 241-6000 or 800-634-6400 (outside Kaua'i). Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $45, Kaua'i Marriott guest $75, non-resident $85. Twilight (after 11 a.m.) $55 Kaua'i Marriott guest, $65 non-resident.

• Po'ipu Bay Resort Golf Course (72, 6,914) — 2250 Ainako St., Koloa, 96756. 742-8711. Head Pro: Michael Castillo. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $75, kama'aina Hyatt guest $65; Hyatt guest $125 before noon, $110 after; non-resident $185 before noon, $120 after. Twilight (after 3 p.m.) $65. Replay rate $50. Juniors (17-under) half off.

• Princeville Golf Club/Makai Course (36, 3,157 Ocean; 36, 3,149 Lakes; 36, 3,208 Woods) — 4080 Leiopapa Rd., Princeville, 96722. 826-3580. Head Pro: Jack Baker. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kaua'i resident $47, other kama'aina $57; Princeville Hotel guest $105, $85 after 1:30 p.m., $47 nine holes after 4 p.m.; resort guest $110; non-resident $125. Juniors (17-under) $47 non-resident. Kaua'i resident unlimited play $47, Kama'aina unlimited play $57. Non-resident replay rate $37.

• Princeville Resort/Prince Golf Club (72, 6,521) — 5-3900 Kuhio Hwy., Princeville, 96722. 826-5000. Head Pro: Jack Baker. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kaua'i resident $70, $60 after 11 a.m.; other kama'aina $85, $75 after 11 a.m.; Princeville Hotel guest $130, resort guest $150, non-resident $175. Guests and non-residents $120 after noon. Non-resident replay rate $60.

• Wailua Golf Course (72, 6,585) — 3-5350 Kuhio Hwy., Lihu'e, 96746. 241-6666. Municipal. Green fees: Kama'aina $10 weekdays, $12 weekends. Non-resident $32 weekdays, $44 weekends. Cart $14. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) half price on green fees only. Kaua'i seniors (65-older) $9 weekdays, $13 weekends. Kama'aina juniors (17-under) $1, twilight $.50.

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• Big Island Country Club (72, 6,114) — 71-1420 Mamalahoa Hwy., Kailua, Kona, 96740. 325-5044. Director of Golf: Ken Joersz. Semi-private. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $55, twilight (after 11 a.m.) $40; non-resident $85, twilight $55.

• Discovery Harbour Golf & Country Club (72, 6,410) — P.O. Box 130, Na'alehu, 96772. 929-7353. Not open.

• Hamakua Country Club (33, 2,520) — P.O. Box 751, Honoka'a, 96727. 775-7244. Public. Green fees: $15. Juniors (students) free, but those 14-under must be with adult. No carts.

• Hapuna Golf Course (72, 6,029) — 62-100 Kauna'oa Dr., Kamuela, 96743. 880-3000. Head Pro: Ron Castillo Jr. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $65 ($55 after noon), resort guests $100, non-resident $145. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $40 kama'aina, $75 resort guest, $75 non-resident.

• Hilo Municipal (71, 6,006) — 340 Haihai St., Hilo, 96720. 959-7711. Head Pro: Rodney Acia. Municipal. Green fees: Big Island resident $5 weekdays, $8 weekends, other kama'aina $15 and $20, non-resident $20 and $25. Monthly card rates (unlimited golf): $33 Big Island residents, $18 Big Island senior residents (60-older), $18 disabled veterans, $10 student. Cart $14.50 for 18 holes, $8 for 9 holes.

• Hualalai Golf Club (72, 6,632) — 100 Ka'upulehu Dr., Ka'upulehu, Kona, 96740. 325-8480. Director of Golf: John Freitas. Head Pro: Kitt Felte. Private Resort. Play only for guests staying at Four Seasons and Hualalai homeowners and residents.

• Kona Country Club (72, 6,155 Ocean Course; 72, 5,828 Mountain Course) — 78-7000 Ali'i Dr., Kailua, Kona, 96740. 322-2595. Head Pro: Greg Molfino. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $50 (Ocean) and $40 (Mountain), non-resident $115 (Ocean) and $95 (Mountain). Twilight kama'aina (after 1 p.m.) $35 (Ocean), $30 (Mountain); non-resident twilight (after noon) $85 (Ocean), $75 (Mountain). Juniors (8-18) $35.

• Makalei Hawai'i Country Club (72, 6,161) — 72-3890 Hawai'i Belt Rd., Kailua, Kona, 96740. 325-6625. General Manager: Maureen Bond. Semi-private. Green fees (cart mandatory): Big Island resident $45, other kama'aina $55, non-resident $110. Twilight (after noon), Big Island resident $30, other kama'aina $35, non-resident $50. Juniors (8-14) pay cart fee of $25, or $15 twilight, with paying adult.

• Mauna Kea Golf Course (72, 6,365) — 62-100 Mauna Kea Beach Dr., Kamuela, 96743. 882-5400. Head Pro: Scott Bridges. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $95, resort guest $120, non-resident $195. Twilight (after 1 p.m.) Resort guest $75, non-resident $145. Juniors (17-under) $65 with paying adult.

• Mauna Lani Resort Francis H. I'i Brown Golf Courses (72, 6,335 North, 72, 6,370 South) — 68-1310 Mauna Lani Dr., Kamuela, 96743. 885-6655. Head Pro: Steven Ho'okano. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $100, resort guest $120, non-resident $185. Twilight (after 3 p.m.) $75 for everybody. Juniors (17-under) $40.

• Naniloa Country Club (35, 2,735) — 120 Banyan Dr., Hilo, 96720. 935-3000. Golf Course Manager: Kawehi Andrade. Semi-private. Green fees: Big Island resident $7 weekdays, nine holes, $10 weekdays, 18 holes, $8 (9) weekends, $11 (18). Other kama'aina and Naniloa Hotel guests $11 (9), $15 (18) weekdays. Naniloa Non-resident $20 (9), $25 (18) weekdays and $25 (9), $30 (18) weekends. Cart $7.50 per 9 holes. Seniors (55-older, Big Island residents only) $7 between 7-11 a.m. weekdays.

• Sea Mountain Golf Course (72, 6,106) — P.O. Box 190, Pahala, 96777. 928-6222. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $24 weekdays and $27 weekends, condo guests $32 and $35, non-resident $42 and $45. Juniors (17-under) $17 and $20.

• Volcano Golf & Country Club (72, 5,800) — P.O. Box 46, Volcanoes National Park, 96718. 967-7331. Public. Green fees (cart mandatory): Big Island resident $28 weekdays and $30 weekends, other kama'aina $37.50 and $42, non-resident $62.50 everyday. Twilight (after noon, Big Island resident only) $26.50 weekdays, $27.50 weekends. Juniors (17-under) $15 weekdays, $18 weekends. Seniors (55-older Big Island resident) $21 Tuesday and Thursday.

• Waikoloa Resort Beach Course (70, 5,958) — 1020 Keana Pl., Waikoloa, 96738. 886-6060. Director of Golf: David Pritchett. Operations Manager: Ross Birch. Resort. Green fees (walking or riding): Big Island resident $55, other kama'aina $65, Waikoloa Resort guest $115, non-resident $150. Twilight (after 2 p.m.) resort guest/non residents $75. Juniors (17-under) half off after noon.

• Waikoloa Resort Kings' Course (72, 6,010) — 600 Waikoloa Beach Dr., Waikoloa, 96738. 886-7888. Director of Golf: David Pritchett. Resort. Green fees (walking or riding): Kama'aina $65, Waikoloa Resort guest $115, non-resident $150. Juniors (16-under) half off with one payed adult.

• Waikoloa Village Golf Club (72, 6,142) — P.O. Box 383910, Waikoloa, 96738. 883-9621. Head Pro: John Mauro Jr. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Kama'aina $45, non-resident $100. Twilight (after noon) kama'aina $30, non-resident $55. Juniors (17-under) $10 walking, $30 with cart. Kama'aina walking rate (after 11 a.m.) $25, (after noon) $20. Special: Tuesday-Friday, $60 for golf, cart and meal at Roussel's restaurant.

• Waimea Country Club (72, 6,210) — PO Box 2155, Kamuela, 96743. 885-8053. Semi-private. Green fees: Summer Special (Through Aug. 30): Kama'aina $25, $20 after 12:30 p.m. Non-residents $65, $50 after 12:30 p.m. Seniors $50, $40 after 12:30 p.m. Juniors $15, $10 (9 holes)

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• Cavendish Golf Course (36, 3,071) — P.O. Box 862, Lana'i City, 96763. No telephone. Public. Green fee: Free (donation box). No carts.

• The Experience at Ko'ele (72, 6,628) — P.O. Box 310, Lana'i City, 96763. 565-4653. Head Pro: Brendan Moynahan. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Lana'i resident $35, kama'aina resort guest $75, kama'aina $75, resort guest $150, non-resident $200. Twilight (after 1 p.m.) $75 resort guests only. Juniors (17-under) $75. Replay rate $50.

• The Challenge at Manele (72, 6,310) — P.O. Box 310, Lana'i City, 96763. 565-2222. Head Pro: Doug Stephenson. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Lana'i resident $35, kama'aina resort guest $75, kama'aina $75, resort guest $150, non-resident $200. Twilight (after 1 p.m.) $75 resort guests only. Juniors (17-under) $75. Replay rate $50. Nine-hole rate $75 resort guests.


• Ironwood Hills Country Club (34, 2,816) — P.O. Box 182, Kualapu'u, 96757. 567-6000. Public. Green fees: Kama'aina $7 (9 holes) and $9 (18 holes), non-resident $15 and $20. Cart $8 (9 holes), $16 (18 holes). Students $5 for monthly card. Yearly resident rate $550.

• Kaluako'i Golf Course (72, 6,187) — P.O. Box 26, Maunaloa, 96770. 552-2555. Head Pro: Scott Gileta. Resort. Green fees (cart mandatory): Temporarily closed.