Island Life launches new features
With you in mind, we have improved Island Life with features that highlight the things you care most about. You'll find something new each day beginning with today's issue. We've paid special attention to information on places to go and things to do, and the latest on how people live, including tips for health and fitness, relationships, fashion and the home and garden.
Here's what to expect:
Each Sunday, you'll find a Books and Music section inside, including features and reviews, Paper Chase, LitBeat, best-seller lists and Island Sounds. We are launching The Honolulu Advertiser Book Club with a package of stories today. We'll profile authors, review the books we pick and solicit your reaction to paperbacks that inform and intrigue.
'Ohana also moves inside Island Life on Sundays, adding a dimension of family-oriented material we know you expect and look for. Features such as the parenting columns, Fun House, family photos, births, weddings and engagement notices will continue to be available to you. While we have discontinued the KidsNews page, features that serve families and younger readers will appear throughout the week.
On Mondays, Advertiser columnists weigh in About Men, letting us know what's on their mind.
On Tuesdays, our columnists get real About Women, giving their take on women's experience.
On Wednesdays, we bring you Shape Up, with strategies that work to get you fit.
On Thursdays, look for Mixed Media, the latest intel on games, video, audio, magazines and more. The Tryouts calendar moves to this day.
On Fridays, the Home Handyman column features do-it-yourself news. Heidi Bornhorst's Hawai'i Gardens and Martha Stewart's column will run on this day.
In TGIF, Derek Paiva brings you The Night Stuff, inside information on clubs and hot spots. Family Fare, movie reviews from a family perspective, moves to this section.
Our all-new Saturday section, Saturday Scoops, is a quick-hitting tip sheet on improving your weekend. The popular 'Ohana health column Prescriptions and the Health Calendar move to Saturday, and we'll also feature a collectors' column, What's It Worth?