Faith Calendar
The religion calendar appears on the Faith page each Saturday. Send your listing to Island Life/Faith, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Include date, time, place, who's involved and cost, if any, of events, along with a daytime contact number .
- FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH SWAP MEET 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 1516 Kewalo St., Makiki; free parking, enter on Lihiliho Street. 521-3500.
- AOBA MATSURI SERVICE celebrating the birth of the founder of Shingon Buddhism, 9:30 a.m., Blaisdell Center's Pikake Room; also the official opening of the Centennial Celebration of the Shingon Mission in Hawai'i. 941-5663.
- "DATING: DELIGHT AND DANGER," part of the Faith In Action series, 9:45 a.m., Central Union Church, women's building, 1660 S. Beretania St.; childcare in Room 10 of Children's Center; free. 941-0957.
- "PARENTING TEENS," 10-week class for parents of teens with difficult behavior, 6-9 p.m., New Hope Ministry Center, 290 Sand Island Access Road; $22 workbook; call to register; sponsored by New Hope Christian Fellowship. 842-4242, Ext. 408.
- INTRODUCTION TO JODO SHINSHU, 7 p.m., Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, 1727 Pali Highway, temple lounge, Nu'uanu; free. 536-7044.
- ZHINE (CALM, ABIDING MEDITATION), class by Lama Wangchuk, 7-8 p.m., Tibetan Buddhist Center, 1356-B Wilhelmina Rise. 735-2262.
- "Real Men," anger control group for men only, 7-9 p.m., 45-815 Po'okela Road, Kane'ohe; free; sponsored by Hope Chapel. 262-5930.
- HEBREW SCRIPTURE CLASS 8:30 a.m. in the mission house next to St. Mark's Church, 539 Kapahulu Ave.; free. 732-2333.
- ORIENTATION TO MEDITATION, a three-hour introduction to the theory, posture and method of focusing the mind in the Zen tradition, includes lecture, demonstration, class exercises and question-and-answer period, 9 a.m.-noon, Palolo Zen Center, 2747 Wai'oma'o Road; free. 735-1347.
- HONOLULU BOY CHOIR OPEN AUDITIONS July 13 and 20, Harris United Methodist Church; ages 7-12, no musical experience needed; call for an appointment. 596-7464.
- HONPA HONGWANJI HAWAII BETSUIN SIXTH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT, 11 a.m. Aug. 8, Ala Wai Golf Course; $100 fee ($50 tax-deductible) or $120 including four mulligans ($70 tax-deductible), includes lunch, drinks and a banquet. 622-2773.