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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, June 30, 2002

Move over sexy singles, marriage is really hot

By Karen S. Peterson
USA Today

The Dannon ad with the "French maid" who sits teasingly in the lap of a man who turns out to be her husband is selling more than yogurt. It is promoting the idea that marriage is romantic, fun and sexy. And that is a very big deal, say members of the Coalition for Marriage, Family and Couples Education.

In fact, so many television commercials have taken to championing the "m" word that it's hard to choose the best, says coalition founder Diane Sollee. The change is significant, she says. Commercials both mirror cultural changes and lead them. "They define what is cool in America," she says.

The group has selected five "impact" winners to be honored at its "Smart Marriages" conference July 12.

The winners and the message the group finds in each:

  • "French maid"/Dannon yogurt. The "maid" with the phony accent sits in a man's lap, spoon-feeding him yogurt. Viewers learn the two are married when they are "caught" by their daughter and a friend. Message: Marriage is sexy.
  • "Hands"/De Beers diamonds. A young couple strolling slightly apart catch up to an older couple walking hand in hand, seemingly still much in love. The younger couple joins hands and appears to reconnect. Message: Long-lasting marriage is to be treasured.
  • "100 years, Timeless Values"/JC Penney. Shows a family developing over three generations, with scenes of dating, marriage, births, holidays, grandparenting, all to the background song, "I'll Be There". Message: Enduring marriages make possible the joys of intergenerational families.
  • "Go between"/McDonald's. Mom and Dad are arguing. Young son tells Mom that Dad says he's sorry and it's all his fault. Then he tells Dad that Mom feels awful and thinks they should all go to McDonald's. Message: Children are aware of family tensions and even a little kid knows apologies are important.
  • "Race"/Volkswagen Passat. The family is rushing through breakfast, no one saying anything. But Dad and son exchange glances. Dad leaves to commute in his high performance car. His son appears on the sidewalk, peddling his bike furiously, racing Dad to the end of the block. Dad lets him win and son beams with delight. Message: Marriage is a good context for a strong father/child connection.

Notes Sollee: The overall message is that life as a sexy single is not the only option.