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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Thursday, March 7, 2002

Come test-drive the new exam

By James Gonser
Advertiser Urban Honolulu Writer

What's the best way to get students to take a test? Make it short, offer prizes and hold it at the First Hawaiian International Auto Show, next Thursday through March 17 at the Hawai'i Convention Center.

The state Department of Education's seven teachers of the year will administer the practice test. It will give parents and children a first look at the new Hawai'i Content and Performance Standards II Statewide Assessment, to be administered to students in Grades 3, 5, 8 and 10 in April.

At the auto show, the voluntary test will have fewer than 10 grade-appropriate questions, and students who get at least 60 percent correct will have their names entered to win prizes, including a surround-stereo system provided by the Hawai'i Automobile Dealers Association.

Auto dealers and manufacturers and the auto show support the state's Teacher of the Year program with "7 Cars for 7 Teachers," which provides top teachers the use of a new car for a year.

Photos 7 feet tall of the winning teachers will be displayed in a "hall of fame" at the auto show.

Dave Rolf, executive director of the automobile association, said about 150,000 fliers are being sent home with schoolchildren this week explaining the program and offering two adult discount coupons to the auto show. A percentage of revenues from people using those coupons helps pay for the educational support program. The goal is to raise $150,000 to offset costs of the program. Last year, because of the teachers strike, the coupons were not sent home and the program fell short of that goal.

"This is a story about helping schools and school kids and providing rewards for top teachers," Rolf said. "It involves a unique coming together of three segments of the community: the business community, the DOE and the general public."

The state teacher of the year is Jill Hirota of Waialua Elementary. The district teachers of the year are Leah Aiwohi of Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School; Lani Chang, Waiahole Elementary; Aileen Dang, Kalakaua Middle; Helen Kobayashi, Waiakea High; Janet Sato, Baldwin High; and Linda Uehara, Kapolei Middle.