Posted on: Friday, March 8, 2002
A lot of familiar faces want to be No. 2
By Lee Cataluna
Advertiser columnist
The upcoming race for the state's second highest seat is starting to look like a who's-who of folks you've seen on the 6 o'clock news. The list of people NOT running for lieutenant governor seems shorter than the list of people taking out papers and forming "exploratory committees." Here's a quick quiz to help keep track of who's in, who's out and what it's all about.
1. Which television news personality and published author is running for lieutenant governor?
a) Dalton Tanonaka
2. Which Donna has announced plans to campaign for LG?
a) Donna Ikeda
3. What are the duties of the lieutenant governor?
a) Serve as secretary of state
4. Who of the following has announced plans to run for lieutenant governor?
a) Former state legislator Sam Aiona
5. When the office of the governor is vacant and the lieutenant governor steps in, who then becomes lieutenant governor?
a) Earl Anzai
6. Who of the following is NOT talking about running for LG?
a) Clayton Hee
7. Which lieutenant governor did not go on to become governor?
a) John Waihee
8. What are the most common reasons candidates give for wanting to be the No. 2 in state government?
a) the keiki
9. What is the largest factor in winning the primary race for lieutenant governor?
a) name recognition If you breezed through the quiz, perhaps YOU should be a candidate, too. The deadline to file is July 23. There's still time to form an "exploratory committee."
b) Cedric Yamanaka
b) Donna Kim
c) Donna Rice
b) Show up at groundbreaking ceremonies to untie the maile lei when the governor is in the Bahamas checking out casinos.
c) Stay on the political party's good side so you can run for governor in eight years.
d) all of the above
b) Former OHA Trustee Abe Aiona
c)Former District Judge James Aiona
b) Glenn Wakai
c) Charles Toguchi
b) Jon Yoshimura
c) Ron Menor
d) John DeSoto
e) trick question
b) Ben Cayetano
c) sorry, Mazie
b) the 'aina
c) the future
d) they don't have the bucks to run for governor yet
b) name recognition
c) name recognition