Luxury theater ready to pamper patrons
By Gary Gentile
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES Patrons of the ArcLight Cinema, which opens March 22, will be able to snack on gourmet sausages and wine before proceeding to their reserved, wide seats to view the main feature.
Associated Press
At $14, the ticket will be the highest in town. Parking is free, however.
ArcLight Cinema patrons can expect many amenities, including reserved seating and upscale concession options.
The movie and retail complex on Sunset Boulevard next to the historic Cinerama Dome will be the second luxury theater to open in Los Angeles in the past year. The Bridge Cinema de lux offers three "Director's Halls" that feature wide leather seats. A ticket there is $12 on weekdays and $13 on weekends.
"While it is somewhat higher than the top prices for some complexes, we think it's an excellent value," said Christopher Forman, chief executive officer of ArcLight Cinemas.
The 14 ArcLight Cinema theaters won't have leather seats. But patrons will get other benefits, including the opportunity to reserve their seat online or over the phone and specify sections of the theater. While other online or phone ticket services levy a service charge of $1 or more, there will be no charge to buy tickets to ArcLight movies.
ArcLight Cinema will also offer a membership program, giving patrons the chance to earn points and drive down the cost of individual tickets. The theater's owner, Pacific Theaters, said it eventually hopes to use data gathered from the program to recommend movies to members and provide other services.
A cafe will serve liquor and salads, pastas and other light fare.
The theaters each feature stadium seating with seats that are 3 inches wider than standard seats. Double-wide armrests and extra leg room are designed to add comfort.
One all-too-common theater feature will be missing on-screen advertising.
The company is planning a similar complex to open next year in Bellevue, Wash.