Tube Notes
By Mike Hughes
Gannett News Service
Today's Must-See
"Fame for 15" marathon, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., TNN. Groping for new shows and a new image, this cable channel (formerly The Nashville Network) has come up with one wonderful idea. That's this series, which now gets a 15-hour marathon. The idea is basic: Many people enjoy the quick burst of attention Andy Warhol once called "15 minutes of fame." Now go back and see what they are really like and how it changed them. Many aren't what we expect. Away from the spotlight, they are layered and interesting people. We meet the guy who rescued Elian Gonzalez, the Olympic champion who gave a black-power salute, the adventurer who climbed the World Trade Center. Each story seems to offer surprises and human details.