Memo to Coach Jones: Next time, think ahead
University of Hawai'i football coach June Jones is successful because he is constantly thinking beyond the moment to the next play, the next game and even the next season.
This kind of thorough critical thinking was lacking in his decision to write a letter to the federal court, urging leniency toward financier Sukamto Sia, who has been convicted on bankruptcy and wire fraud charges.
Such testimonials are common for persons facing court sentencing. And Jones certainly has every right to stand up for a man he described as a "very good friend." There are no doubt other such letters in Sia's sentencing file.
But a little forward thinking might have caused Jones to consider several things:
First, he shouldn't have used official University of Hawai'i athletics department letterhead. Obviously, his statement of support is not the official policy of the university or its athletics department, but use of the letterhead was inappropriate. It forced the UH administration to publicly disassociate itself from the matter.
Second, in this age when intercollegiate athletics are constantly under the ethical microscope, Jones should have thought forward about how it would look to so closely associate himself (and his program, for that matter) with a man whose lawyers say has a severe gambling addiction.
Third, Jones' suggestion that Sia partly repay his debt to society by giving "instructional lectures" to UH students is nearly bizarre. What would he lecture about? Gambling? Bankruptcy laws? Bank fraud?
There's no questioning that Sia has had some high-level business successes along with his failures. And the experience of being at the top and at the bottom might make an interesting tale for students to hear.
But at best any lecture Sia could offer students at this point would have to be purely a cautionary tale.