Posted on: Friday, May 10, 2002
Counties to receive tourism grants
By Jan TenBruggencate
Advertiser Kaua'i Bureau
LIHU'E, Kaua'i — Each of Hawai'i's four major counties will get $600,000 from the Hawai'i Tourism Authority for enhancing the visitor experience over the next 18 months.
HTA Executive Director Richard Humphreys said the money for what is called "tourism product development" is designed after a $150,000 pilot program run on Kaua'i last year.
Kaua'i County's Office of Economic Development spent the money on a variety of programs emphasizing cultural and community events, such as Koloa Plantation Days, the Waimea Town Celebration, the Coconut Festival and the Mokihana Festival.
"What we're trying to do with the grants is to enhance the visitor experience," Humphreys said yesterday on Kaua'i, at the first of a series of meetings at which community groups learn about the program and how to apply for some of the money.
Festivals are a big part of the effort, but money for other things is included, too.
HTA official Muriel Anderson said Kaua'i has spent the money on such things as printing ocean safety brochures, running visitor centers and producing health and wellness directories.
Until now, the HTA has paid for such activities, but has done so centrally. Under the new plan, the counties, which are closer to their communities, will get to make decisions about how and where to spend the money, with overall oversight from HTA, Humphreys said.
He said the money for activities and programs in the community grows out of a recognition that it's not much good to spend a lot of money to bring tourists to the island if they're not going to have a good time once they get here.
"If we don't have a good product, then no matter how much money you spend on marketing, you could be wasting your money," he said.