Joshua, Kayla favorite names here
By Curtis Lum
Advertiser Staff Writer
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Joshua and Kayla were the most popular names for boys and girls born in Hawai'i in 2001, according to the Social Security Administration. The agency yesterday released its annual set of lists for the most popular baby names, compiled from Social Security card applications for children born in 2001.
The favorites nationally for the second straight year are Emily and Jacob. Emily has been the most popular girl's name since it bumped Jessica in 1995.
Jacob has been king the past three years.
Following Emily on the national "top 10" list are Madison, Hannah, Ashley, Alexis, Samantha, Sarah, Abigail, Elizabeth and Jessica. The top boys names are Jacob, Michael, Matthew, Joshua, Christopher, Nicholas, Andrew, Joseph, Daniel and William.
The names of babies born last year in Hawai'i followed a similar national trend, with Joshua, Jacob, Matthew, Noah and Elijah topping the boys list. Joshua was Hawai'i's most popular name for boys in 2000.
The state's most popular name for girls in 2001 was Kayla, followed by Taylor, Madison, Alyssa and Sarah. In 2000, Taylor was the most popular name for girls in Hawai'i, and Kiana was listed as fifth most popular.
The most popular names of the 1900s included John, William, James and George for boys, and Mary, Helen, Margaret and Anna for girls. None of those made the "top 10" lists of the 1990s.