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Posted on: Friday, May 10, 2002

Focus on long-term results for Hawai'i

By Denim Haruo Imua Cretton
Honolulu resident

I am greatly concerned with the efficiency and effectiveness of the way Hawai'i is being run.

The current focus has been and continues to be short-term in nature, focusing on immediate dollars, not long-term results.

The newest library on O'ahu was built without monetary allocation for books. Five librarians were also hired to look at the empty shelves. The minimum time frame for filling these shelves: two years.

This is incompetence. In a corporate setting, all involved would have been fired.

The people elected to run this state keep saying we need to stimulate our economy. They even sent lei all over the nation to celebrate May Day, with the intent to promote tourism in Hawai'i. I agree that promotion is necessary, but it should be done strategically.

Stop thinking huge, and start small. If you are really concerned with the long-term fix, pump money into our economy through smart spending. American money for American products (and Hawai'i money for Hawai'i products). Internal cash flow creates jobs and boosts the overall economy. Long-term solutions for short-term problems.

Spending on the promotion of tourism is excessive. Once again, I agree that strategic promotion is absolutely necessary. The world now knows that Hawai'i is an American paradise. They are coming here in record numbers, evident in the growing population, inflated land prices and the building boom. Awareness has been created, and Hawai'i is a viable brand name worldwide.

Our focus now needs to be on operating business diversification. Cash in-flows need to be generated in creative business ventures.

A few years ago, we upgraded our state to promote high-tech, a great idea. The problem is that we did not adjust our incorporation laws to create a business-friendly environment that will foster new growth and the eventual reinvestment of profits.

It is important to remember that Hawai'i is the Asian gateway to America, a realistic and virtual point of entry. Costs are too high. Why? Many products stop here first.

I am amazed and appalled by these decisions. As a young person who grew up in these Islands, I am asking for accountability for the actions of those elected.

Please focus on long-term results, or you will ruin our future.