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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Saturday, May 11, 2002

Bob Turnbull to speak

Bob Turnbull, the former actor who founded the Waikiki Beach Chaplaincy in 1970, and his wife, Yvonne, both of Orange County, Calif., will include speaking engagements during their upcoming vacation here.

They'll address the group's free fellowship breakfast at 8 a.m. Wednesday in the auditorium of the Waikiki Community Center, 310 Paoakalani Ave..

They also will speak at the Friday and May 19 worship services of Kaimuki Christian Church.

The Turnbulls, who write books and lead seminars on strengthening marriage, met in Hawai'i. They are members of the Saddleback Valley Community Church.

For more information: 923-3137.

'Journey' retreat May 25

Quantum Yin from Maui, an author and concert presenter who calls herself a "life catalyst/cheerleader/coach," will team with Rebecca Simmons, president of the Sacred Dance Guild, to put on a retreat called "A Journey Toward Peace."

The daylong conference begins 9:30 a.m. May 25 at St. Anthony's retreat center, 3351 Kalihi St. The cost is $20, with a bento lunch from Indigo (if ordered by May 20) for $5. Scholarships are available.

Participants are asked to wear comfortable clothing and bring fabric or costuming articles.

For more information: RuthMarie Quirk at 386-8883 or check sacreddanceguild.org on the Web.