Lei offers abound after call for help
By Walter Wright
Advertiser Staff Writer
The city has been "bombarded" with calls from Hawai'i residents offering lei to make sure every gravesite at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific is decorated with flowers for Memorial Day, city spokeswoman Ann Niino said yesterday.
"People wanted to know more about how to help, and many said they are planning to bring lei to our collection sites at selected fire stations and parks on Friday morning," Niino said. "Others wanted to donate money so we could buy lei from lei stands."
Niino also said that several residents called to ask for help in picking plumeria and other blossoms from their trees so they could make lei.
"It's all been positive reaction except for a call I got from a New York Times reporter who seemed to be trying to find a lack of patriotism behind the decline in donation of lei," Niino said.
The Advertiser reported yesterday that officials said there might not be enough lei to decorate all 34,000 graves at the national cemetery in Punchbowl and no extras to be donated to the Hawai'i State Veterans Cemetery in Kane'ohe.
Many callers asked what Neighbor Island residents could do to contribute additional lei, Niino said.
The contacts for the Neighbor Islands are at the following Offices of Veterans Services:
- Big Island Keith Ribbenthrop, 933-0315 or 0316.
- Kaua'i Manuel Corregedore, 241-3346 or 3348.
- Maui William Stanton, 243-5818 or 5819.
In Honolulu, lei may be dropped off tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at
Ala Wai Community Park, Makua Ali'i and Kane'ohe senior centers; at district parks in Halawa, Wai'anae, Wahiawa, Waiau and Waipahu; and at fire stations in Kalihi, Waipahu, Waialua, Kane'ohe, Kailua and Hawai'i Kai.
Lei also will be accepted at the Municipal Building, 650 S. King St., from 8 a.m. to noon tomorrow.
Elderly or physically challenged owners of flowering trees can call the city at 523-4525 for assistance.
Reach Walter Wright at wwright@honoluluadvertiser.com or 525-8054.