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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2002

Big Isle astronomers fear lax light laws

By Hugh Clark
Advertiser Big Island Bureau

WAIMEA, Hawai'i — Astronomers like it dark. The darker, the better. That's one of the reasons the Big Island, with its remote location and sparse population, is home to the world's premier observatories.

But astronomers who staff the facilities atop Mauna Kea are concerned about reports that the county may try to relax lighting controls instituted more than 25 years ago, perhaps even limiting restrictions to a 25-mile radius around the mountain.

Public Works Director Dennis Lee said last week he does not know of any coming changes.

But astronomers are not reassured, and on Wednesday, David Crawford will discuss light pollution in "International Dark Skies" at the Gates Performing Arts Center at Hawai'i Preparatory Academy's upper campus in Waimea.

"Dr. Crawford will report on the battle against Big Island light pollution and will share practical ideas for what can be done to preserve nighttime skies," said Laura Kraft of the Keck Observatory in Waimea.

It was in 1974 that Hawai'i County first enacted a lighting control law. It since has been amended twice. Among its requirements are that airports, stadiums, hotels and other night operations use shields and low-pressure sodium lights.

Compliance has generally been good, but there have been some complaints from hotel developers, claiming their outdoor lighting plans were ruined by the controls.

The rules were strongly backed by former Mayor Steve Yamashiro, who said the astronomy effort should be protected.

Astronomers say the restrictions should be even more stringent.

Crawford, co-founder of a light pollution group and an internationally known observer, said "light pollution is the glare and sky glow that comes from wasteful lighting fixtures and costs U.S. residents more than $1 billion each year."

Crawford's talk is free and open to the public. It will start at 7 p.m.