Posted on: Friday, November 1, 2002
The Advertiser's endorsements for City Council
The Honolulu City Council will see six new faces after the Nov. 5 election, the result of a term-limits law that will retire many veteran council members.
What will be needed in the new council is a combination of experience, business smarts and a willingness to take on tough budget and infrastructure issues.
This is hardly glamorous, or partisan, work. But it is vital to the well-being of O'ahu.
Three council seats, those held by Ann Kobayashi in Manoa, Romy Cachola in Kalihi and Gary Okino in Pearl City, were decided in the primary election.
For the remaining six seats, The Advertiser endorses:
1st Dist. (Wai'anae, 'Ewa): Pam Witty-Oakland, a well-established and respected community member, has been legislative aide to incumbent Councilman John DeSoto. She knows her district well, and because of her experience as a council aide, will be able to hit the ground running. 2nd Dist. (Wahiawa, North Shore, 'Ahuimanu)
Donovan Dela Cruz, an active community volunteer and marketing specialist, would bring energy and fresh ideas to the council.
3rd Dist. (Kane'ohe, Kailua, Waimanalo)
Stan Koki, a successful businessman and former state senator, has strong and focused ideas on a variety of core issues facing city government. His business and executive experience will add weight to the policy-making efforts of the council. 4th Dist. (Waikiki, Kaimuki, Hawai'i Kai) Bob Fishman, a veteran of government service and a former managing director of the City & County, has deep executive experience and a wealth of knowledge of how city government works. With a background also in airlines, tourism and the military, Fishman is bound to be a solid player on the council from the first day on the job. 6th Dist. (Kalihi Valley, Nu'uanu, Kaka'ako)
John Steelquist, an Air Force veteran, college professor and tireless neighborhood board and community volunteer, knows city issues from the ground up. He is enthusiastic, committed to his community and known for his integrity. 9th Dist. (Waipahu, Mililani, Makakilo)
Nestor Garcia, a former newsman and state legislator, showed intelligence and enthusiasm during his service in the state House. He is not afraid to take on difficult issues and is already well-versed in the issues that trouble his district.