Highlights of local business leaders' reactions to the election of Linda Lingle
Advertiser Staff
"Hawai'i faces many challenges in economic development and education. ... It will be important for business to work with (Gov.-elect Linda Lingle), not only on economic development but the social issues where local business can be a strong partner."
T. Michael May
President, chief executive officer, Hawaiian Electric Co. Inc.
"We ... look forward to working collaboratively with her administration. ... Like the entire airline industry, Hawaiian is presently coping with an economic crisis in the marketplace. It's imperative that we address these issues ...
John Adams
Chairman, chief executive, president, Hawaiian Airlines Inc.
"The gas cap and the divorcement law, which limited new gas stations, impeded our ability to service the Hawai'i market. ... Right now, the financial condition of our company does not allow us to spend a great deal on capital but certainly it will be much more encouraging for us to make investments. We've been lacking the cooperative, positive relationship between business and government, and what I look forward to is having some discussion from the business perspective on some of these issues."
Faye Watanabe Kurren
President, Tesoro Hawaii Corp.
"We are very encouraged that we have a chance to make some very meaningful improvements in the economy."
Carol Pregill
Executive director, Retail Merchants of Hawai'i
"There's absolutely no reason for her to try to do something negative in an attempt to undermine the unions because what we need right now is for everybody in the state to come together and build a new and better economy."
J.N. Musto
Executive director, University of Hawai'i Professional Assembly
"I'm very optimistic that her view of working on the economy and supporting tourism as a major way to continue to grow the economy will be very positive for us."
Keith Viera
Senior vice president and director of operations, Hawai'i and French Polynesia, with Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide
"What I do like about Linda Lingle is that she is not wishy-washy. ... I think when she says something she will mean it and she will act on it. Tourism is a very dynamic industry, and it does move very quickly. ... I think she will try to expedite things she strikes me as being that kind of person."
Chuck Gee
Dean emeritus, School of Travel Industry Management, University of Hawai'i-MAnoa
"The state House and Senate will still be democratically controlled and my fear is everybody is gong to be pointing fingers at each other for noncooperation. I don't know how much influence she will have over the House and the Senate, but certainly we are going to need them to cooperate to get this gas cap abolished."
Barnaby Robinson
Chevron dealer and president, Hawaii Coalition of Retail Gasoline Marketers
"The healthcare industry is one of the most heavily regulated industries so any relief from some of the regulations would be welcome. ... I would really like to know her position on the 1974 Prepaid Health Care Act. It is the cornerstone of our near-universal healthcare system. I think we need to revisit it and deal with issues of cost sharing as healthcare costs have risen."
Chris Pablo
Spokesman, Kaiser Permanente, the state's biggest health maintenance organization
"They are going to to see that Hawai'i is back in business. For us to have a regime change at the top level after 40 years is significant."
Christine Camp
Hawai'i chairwoman, Urban Land Institute, president, Avalon Development & Consulting