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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, November 24, 2002


Advertiser Staff

Michelle A. Hirayama, daughter of Miki and Sharlene Hirayama of Wahiawa, and Andrew M. Fukuda, son of James and Mi Won Fukuda of Kane'ohe, were married Aug. 10 at the Hawaii Prince Hotel. The reception followed at the hotel. The bride (1992 Leilehua High, 1996 University of Hawai'i bachelor's), now Michelle Akemi Fukuda, formerly of Wahiawa, is a flight attendant. The groom (1990 Mid-Pacific Institute), formerly of Kane'ohe, is a firefighter. They live in Mililani.

Bettina Hughes, daughter of Anita Lane of Scottsdale, Ariz., and Edward Hughes of Bokeelia, Fla., and Gary Aycock, son of Roseanne Aycock of Phoenix, Ariz., and the late Darwin Aycock, were married July 4 on Lanikai Beach. The bride, now Bettina Aycock, formerly of Scottsdale, is a marketing assistant. The groom, formerly of Phoenix, is a boilermaker. They live in Honolulu.

Denise Iwalani Hulihe'e and Rusty Paranada were married Sept. 1 at the Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Memorial Chapel. The reception followed at the Hale Koa Hotel. The bride (1995 Kamehameha Schools), now Denise Iwalani Hulihe'e Paranada, and groom (1989 Farrington High) live in Honolulu.