O'ahu briefs
Advertiser Staff and News Services
Mediators being recruited
The Mediation Center of the Pacific is recruiting volunteers for a yearlong training program.
The nonprofit center has trained hundreds of people to mediate and help resolve disputes involving employees, neighbors, landlords and tenants, families, parents and children, divorcing couples, criminal offenders and victims, condominium residents and special-education parents.
The Hawai'i Judiciary contracts with the center to provide on-site court mediation for all Small Claims Court cases in Honolulu.
No experience or educational background is required.
There is an interview and selection process and a $400 fee to enter the program. Deadline to apply is Dec. 13.
For more information, call 521-6767 or visit the center's Web site at www.MediateHawaii.org.
Nu'uanu teacher wins award
Kelvin Chun, a technology specialist at Nu'uanu Elementary School, has been named one of three Ed Tech Leaders of the Year by Technology & Learning magazine, a trade publication.
Chun will be featured in the December awards issue.
He was recognized for expanding elementary students' learning and cultural understanding through field-based studies on the history, ecology, and economy of the Nu'uanu community. His work incorporates video, multimedia and telecommunications technologies.
The Ed Tech Leaders of the Year recognizes teachers, technology specialists and administrators who demonstrate leadership, vision and creativity in implementing technology in their schools and districts.
Web site offers ocean advice
Hawai'i Sea Grant has created a Web site for students and teachers with ocean-related information for kindergarten through 12th grade.
The award-winning Sea Squirt Web site has advice for visiting the beach, a marine activity workbook, several coloring and activity books and marine life icons. There are links for teachers, children and parents, a quiz to test knowledge of Hawaiian sea life and a virtual aquarium.
The Sea Squirt Web site is at www.soest.hawaii.edu/SEAGRANT/kids/indexkids.html.
Bishop Museum hall to close
Bishop Museum's Hawaiian Hall will be closed Dec. 16-22 for fumigation, done periodically as part of preventive maintenance of the historic artifacts and displays.
Hawaiian Hall contains a complete 50-foot sperm whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling, artifacts from the Hawaiian monarchy, musical instruments and feathered capes.
All other areas of the museum will remain open.
The hall last was fumigated in 1989.