Posted on: Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Rutledge family member pleads innocent in federal court
By David Waite
Advertiser Courts Writer
Aaron A. Rutledge, son of former hotel workers union head and current Unity House official Tony Rutledge, pleaded innocent in federal court yesterday to charges of trying to persuade someone to withhold records and other documents from a previous grand jury proceeding.
Aaron Rutledge, grandson of the late Hawai'i labor leader Art Rutledge, also pleaded innocent to a charge of trying to persuade the same individual to alter, conceal or destroy certain "objects" so they would not be available for use in the prior grand jury proceeding.
At the request of Edward Groves, a special attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice tax division, U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry Kurren increased the amount of Rutledge's signature bond from $10,000 to $50,000.
Groves had sought to increase the bond amount to $100,000, saying Rutledge's family has millions of dollars. That brought a groan and shake of the head from Tony Rutledge who accompanied his son to court yesterday.
Aaron Rutledge does not have to post $50,000 in cash but will have to pay that amount if he violates bail conditions while awaiting trial.
In addition, Kurren granted a request by Groves that Aaron Rutledge have no contact with Donna Sato, whom Groves described as a former secretary of Tony Rutledge. Groves said Sato was the one who was asked to destroy records.
Kurren set a trial date of Jan. 28 before Judge David Ezra, but that likely will be pushed back as the case progresses.